Preset Button

I everyboby,
I can’t figure out how to find the way to set sliders range from clicking a Button.
I’m trying to do like a preset Button but as you can see i’m new at programing and i keep missing terms :wink: would anybody got a clue? thanks :wink:

There’s two ways you can listen to button presses.

The first is to register as a juce::Button::Listener, like so:

class MyComponent : public juce::Component,
                    public juce::Button::Listener

    void buttonClicked(juce::Button* buttonThatWasClicked) override
        if (buttonThatWasClicked == &m_button)
            // Set slider's range here.

    juce::TextButton m_button {"Click Me!"};
    juce::Slider m_slider;

The second way is to assign a lambda to the button’s onClick method, like so:

class MyComponent : public juce::Component
        m_button.onClick = [this]() {
            // Set slider range here.

    juce::TextButton m_button {"Click Me!"};
    juce::Slider m_slider;

As for setting the slider’s range, you can do so by calling setRange on the slider and passing in the min and max values, and optionally a third argument for the interval:

const auto min = 0.0;
const auto max = 10.0;
const auto interval = 0.1;

m_slider.setRange (min, max, interval);

If you then want to set the slider’s current value, call setValue():

m_slider.setValue (5.0);
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Brilliant! Thanks a lot Jimmi.