Projucer build with CUDA

I’m trying to improve my work flow with regards to adding CUDA into my VS project.
In jucer_ProjectExport_MSVC.h I have added the following

                auto* e = projectXml.createNewChildElement("ImportGroup");
                e->setAttribute("Label", "ExtensionSettings");
                auto* p = e->createNewChildElement("Import");
                p->setAttribute("Project", "$(VCTargetsPath)\\BuildCustomizations\\CUDA 11.0.props");

                auto* e = projectXml.createNewChildElement("ImportGroup");
                e->setAttribute("Label", "ExtensionTargets");
                auto* p = e->createNewChildElement("Import");
                p->setAttribute("Project", "$(VCTargetsPath)\\BuildCustomizations\\CUDA 11.0.targets");

Which binds CUDA into the build. The problem I have is I have to specify per .CU file to include in the build. That’s fine but when I add to the projucer project the exporter resets. How would I go about doing something like this

                // XML trying to add PSEUDO code below
                //<CudaCompile Include = "..\..\Source\Kernels\">
                //    <FileType>Document</FileType>

                auto dotCUfiles = getAllFilesInProjectWithCUExtension();
                if (dotCUfiles.Count > 0) {
                    auto* e = projectXml.createNewChildElement("ImportGroup");
                    for (auto l = 0; l < dotCUfiles.Count[l]; l++) {
                        auto* p = e->createNewChildElement("CudaCompile");
                        p->setAttribute("Include", dotCUfiles[i].Source);
                        auto* ft = e->createNewChildElement("FileType")->addTextElement("Document");

Close but not real code. Can anyone point me in the direction of getting files included in the export and adding them as there own ItemGroup of they have a .cu extension.

Aha found the addFilesToComplile method and added this

                else if (path.getFileExtension() == ".cu")
                    auto* p0 = cudaFiles.createNewChildElement("CudaCompile");
                    p0->setAttribute("Include", path.toWindowsStyle());
                    auto* ft0 = p0->createNewChildElement("FileType");

with passing in cudaFiles xml element