Projucer (development) doesn't activate code signing any more

I updated the Projucer to the development branch to have the newest options for iOS App groups. After the update I noticed, that although I set the Development Team ID, code signing was not active for all XCode schemes any more.
In the XCode project file I see, that the enabled flag changed to 0.

SystemCapabilities = { = { enabled = 0; }

I would be grateful for a fix :slight_smile:

The enabled = 0 flag is for application groups entitlements, I can’t see how this would affect code signing. You can set this to 1 by toggling the ‘App groups capability’ on in the iOS exporter settings:

Thank you. You are absolutely right, I’m sorry. Magically it works again now! A few hours ago, all the time when I hit the Projucer “Save and Open in IDE”-button, code signing was disabled in XCode. (I never had this problem before). And the only difference in both files was the enabled=0/1…