Reverse FFT data into channelData

Hi everyone,
i’m trying to develop a guitar distortion plugin. What i’m currently trying to do is to use the FFT to increase the magnitude of some specific harmonic frequencies.

My question is: how do i put back into the original buffer my processed FFT data after the reverse FFT? I tried using the copy method of the buffer object but it sounds really bad.

Thanks in advance!

Here’s the code snippet, contained in the processBlock method:

for (auto sample = 0; sample < buffer.getNumSamples(); ++sample) {

       if (fifoIndex == fftSize)       
           if (!nextFFTBlockReady)    
               std::fill(fftData.begin(), fftData.end(), 0.0f);
               std::copy(fifo.begin(), fifo.end(), fftData.begin());
               nextFFTBlockReady = true;

           fifoIndex = 0;

       fifo[(size_t)fifoIndex++] = channelDataL[sample];
       if (nextFFTBlockReady)
           readyToCopy = false;
           //fai cose

           int i;
           for (i = 0; i < fftData.size()/2; i++) {
               float re =[2 * i];
               float im =[(2 * i) + 1];
               float mag = std::sqrt((re * re) + (im * im));
               float pha = atan2(im, re);
              //do stuff

               re = mag * cos(pha);
               im = mag * sin(pha);
     [2 * i] = re;
     [(2 * i) + 1] = im;

           float* lTDataReal = new float[numSamples];
           for (int i = 0; i < numSamples; i++)
               lTDataReal[i] =[2 * i] / (float)numSamples; 

           //here's the issue. i don't think this is right because when i copy the processed data it 
            sounds really bad
           buffer.copyFrom(*channelDataL, 0, lTDataReal, numSamples);

           nextFFTBlockReady = false;
      channelDataR[sample] = channelDataL[sample];


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Hey @cappeblaster96 I am at this stage in my spectral processing plugin as well and having issues with output, did you get effect resolved?