RTAS build broken (again)

@fabian , I know @timur got it going on your team last time.
I strongly suggest you keep 3rd Party Libs in a REPO with modifications and basic README.md , here it makes it now really easy for me to maintain many SDKs as clean of binaries as possible and they do compile using a build-script for Win/Mac.

Make SURE you’re using PT90! not 80 as I remeber timur discovered the hard way few posts above.

Here is my README.md parts that are useful…

The Avid (Digidesign) PluginLib Hell Survival Guide

Digidesign RTAS building is tricky. you can look on JUCE’s wrapper to see the pragma and additional conditions to handles many issues with it.
This also should be the last source from Digidesign as RTAS is officially dropped.

* Modifications (all should be logged within GitHub) but I also keep it here.
  • AlturaPorts/AlturaSource/PPC_H/CGBase.h #57: added “&& !defined(_WIN32)” to avoid over-defining signed long…
  • AlturaPorts/TDMPlugIns/PlugInLibrary/Utilities/CAOSManager.cpp #34: added "#include " to handle std::max error
  • AlturaPorts/TDMPlugIns/PlugInLibrary/RTASP_Adapt/ASConnUtil.h #24: conditioned “<Component.h>” into the #if WINDOWS_VERSION
  • AlturaPorts/TDMPlugIns/PlugInLibrary/Utilities/FicBasics.h #30: added conditional “#if !(i386)” to avoid include “ppc_intrinsics.h” (no PPC support!)
Windows Project Modification: - Use latest toolset (as of writing this it is v140_xp (VS2015) - Switch "Code Generation Runtime" to static (/MT & /MTd) for ALL LIBRARIES AND PROJECTS. - Calling convention of Digidesign's are __stdcall (/Gz) as opposed __cdecl (/Gd) by projects.

(you should also build your Projucer as static /MT or /MTd).
Dont waste your time trying to get DEBUG going from Projucer exported solution.
_ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL=0 - needed ONLY in x32/Debug for RTAS. but will cause all other builds to fail.

Mac Building:

PLEASE USE SCRIPT PROVIDED AT “SoundRadixLib” (build_avid_libs.sh)

  • Requires Mac OS X 10.6 SDK!
    Open Xcode project from AlturaPorts/TDMPlugIns/PlugInLibrary/MacBuild
    I’ve made 2 Xcode configurations:
  1. Plugin Library, supports min deployment 10.6 no c++11/libc++
  2. Plugin Library libcpp, support min deployment 10.7 with c++11/libc++
    Build Debug/Release to generate both libraries.

Win Building:

  1. Build AlturaPorts/Fic/Source/SignalNets/WinBuild/RTASClientLib
  2. Build AlturaPorts/TDMPlugIns/DSPManager/WinBuild/DSPManagerClientLib
  3. Build PluginLibrary FROM AlturaPorts/TDMPlugIns/SamplePlugIns/SimplePlugIn/WinBuild/SimplePlugIn
    (SimplePlugin actually builds the PlugInLibrary with stdcall which is also required for linking!)
  • In addition for Windows please remember you need to have the rsr or you’ll get DAE error upon loading the plug-in.

Now after I have solutions as VS2015 we simply have build_avid_libs for both Mac/Win and they work.
So while RTAS is a second class citizen, under Windows at least (where they still keep some typedefs from 16bit! age) it seems RTAS can be compiled for eternity :wink:


Just head-up. our repo now builds RTAS. but guess some linking is broken.
I’m investigating…

(VM machine with Win7/PT9)

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OK. RTAS should build again with the latest develop.

What I really don’t understand is why, in 2017, anyone is still compiling RTAS? It has been discontinued by Avid back in 2013! Let it die and move on to AAX :slight_smile:

Now it is possible (with some small tweaks) to build on Mac/Win.

Still the binaries won’t be loaded.

I’ve tested PT9 on macOS 10.6 and Windows 10 with Pro Tools 10.x latest.
(on Mac I’ve surely made is 10.6 deployment and it does build 32-bit arch properly).

Because there are several producers out there, still working on Pro Tools 9.
Even some “important” hollywood producers/ songwriters are exactly like that …

My personal preference would be also “to move on to AAX” (of course), but you
can’t force them to do that :slight_smile:


I don’t support RTAS with my plugins, but I get requests for it on a regular basis. Mostly from ‘high profile users’.

Number of RTAS users that take the time to send me an email / my user base = 0.7%

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@fabian another passport-banned RTAS player is:

Here is our commit:

Summary (at least for our repo):

JUCE repo issues:

We don’t intend to provide RTAS for any new product release. but for current products we do our best to support it as there is a user-base sadly stuck in the early 2kes.

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Fixed another issue when using new AAX level-meters.

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OK I think I’ve fixed this now. It will appear on develop in a few minutes.

RTAS should compile and load on both OS X and Windows. Just need to fix the AAX level meters…

  • Xcode: For me latest Projucer doesn’t add the AlturaPorts paths / addRTASPluginSettings().
  • But there’s one change I’ve noticed that should also break AU for older hosts and that’s the lack of “Build Carbon Resources” required for aging RTAS & Audio Units.

Found the commit that breaks this and commented on it.

CC: @t0m

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Thank you for catching that. I’ve restored the old behaviour.

I guess everyone missed a RTAS thread :slight_smile:
But surprisingly it’s even not mentioned as deprecated on the juce codebase.
Since commits:
afdb88851400dd55037014609c13023301362624, eda613c6db698f31ab2189cc289c9de2db821142

RTAS is broken.

I’ve made it build again (haven’t yet tested stability as juce underlying code greatly progressed).

Here it is, until deprecated or removed for good, worth fixing it on JUCE…

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Thank you for this. As you can probably guess we no longer test this part of the codebase, so we rely upon the community telling us when things are amiss.

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Thanks @t0m! while you’re at it as I have separate machines for Win/Mac I’ve now tested it on both platforms and it compiles and works.

Maybe JUCE at least should add a deprecation warning or something and remove it once and for all with upcoming JUCE release.


Thanks, I’ll get those added.

Yeah, I think it’s time we retired RTAS. It’s been broken on the master branch for a long time, and this is the first complaint, so it can’t be used by many people. I’ll mark it as deprecated.