Something changed with the URL class?

Hi Jules,

I made an application that send email to my customers thru the URL class.
But now I updated to latest tip (my app was using the tip presend in end of november), I can’t add body of email anymore.

I just compared the following with the 1.5 tag vs latest tip :

const URL mail(T("")); mail.launchInDefaultBrowser();
With the tag, it works fine but with the tip, the ‘body’ is always blank, while there is a weird characther added at the end of the ‘subject’…

Any ideas ?


I don’t remember changing anything in there… Which OS is this?

Sorry, it’s on OSX 10.5.6


Sorry, it’s on OSX 10.5.6


Did you try constructing the URL using withParameter() rather than putting it all in a string? It’s not really designed to be used that way (not to mention that if you use withParameter() it’ll take care of all the escape characters for you)

Hi Jules,

Using withParameter() works !

Thanks as always,
