Splash screen for Personal JUCE 5 license?

That addresses my last concern. I’ve considered it thoroughly and IMO these are fantastic licensing changes (after the AAX inclusion) that are really fair for all brackets of developers. I am more pumped than ever for the future of JUCE!

Though, I say that from the POV of a student who uses JUCE extensively for open source projects and shoves it on his co-workers, I haven’t shipped anything commercially…

The splash screen will only be displayed once per DAW session, per plug-in.

Since there seems to be a little bit of hysteria about this, let me reiterate what Jules has said: If you are a current JUCE customer you will not be affected by the splash screen.

  1. If you’re releasing open source JUCE software you can continue to release your open source software without a splash screen
  2. If you’re currently paying for JUCE to release a closed source product you can continue to pay for JUCE to release a closed source product without a splash screen

The splash screen only affects an exciting new free tier - If you want to release a closed source JUCE-based product, and your revenue/funding is less that $50k, you can do so for free using the Personal license, but you will need to display a splash screen.


@jules @t0m - ok, so as I understand it, to use JUCE ‘free’ , either
a) I open source the code under GPL
b) have a personal license, with ‘made in juce’ splash screen

sounds fantastic to me :slight_smile:
(then for b… if its a success, I can move to an indie license)

how do I do set this up on a project by project basis?
I develop for a couple of existing open source projects which already use juce. (so (a)),
but I also on the same machine want to have a closed source project, under conditions of (b)

do I set something on the project? in projucer?

If you are using the GPLv3 or have an Indie or Pro license it’s configurable on a project-by-project basis in the Projucer; if you have a personal license then there’s no option to change it in the Projucer. You can use JUCE and the Projucer under the terms of the GPLv3 by changing the JUCER_ENABLE_GPL_MODE precompiler variable in Projucer’s AppConfig.h and building it yourself.

ok, so I can install as a personal license, then for GPL projects just change JUCER_ENABLE_GPL_MODE in AppConfig.h , sounds easy enough :slight_smile:

one other oddity, I assume the splash screen requirement, means we cannot release console based apps (Linux) under a personal license? (or does it have a console equivalent).

Ive a small non-gui Linux project, which ive been avoiding Juce due to the X11 dependency, and also I was undecided on GPL or not, Juce5 Personal looks like it possible solves both issues, but perhaps the splash screen is an issue.

If you have a console app then there’s a decent chance that all the modules you’re using are under the ISC license, which has no restrictions at all other than the usual disclaimer of all warranties…

The JUCE modules under the ISC license are juce_core, juce_events, juce_audio_basics, juce_audio_devices, juce_blocks_basics.

There have also been a lot of Linux improvements in JUCE 5, including removing the X11 dependency: X11, MIDI and other Linux improvements

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I have a personal license and am producing an open-source project. I don’t see the option to remove the splash screen for projects in Projucer 5.0.0. The only option I have for “Report JUCE app usage” and “Display the JUCE splash screen” is Required for closed source applications without an Indie or Pro JUCE license. What do I do to see the other options?

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You can use the Projucer in “GPL mode” by editing the Projucer’s AppConfig.h file to set the corresponding precompiler variable, JUCER_ENABLE_GPL_MODE, to 1. Now, if you recompile the Projucer, the new executable will be able to configure the options.

Thanks. That worked.

Under the new personal Juce license, can we continue to use our own splash screens with the addition of all the info from the native JUCE one (including text, graphics, etc) without violating the terms of this license? Or alternatively, can we modify the JUCE splash screen to include some little details about our applications? I’m merely trying to find a way of avoiding the need for two splash screens.

We have historically been using Introjucer and Projucer only as a project generator for NON-juce-based closed source softwares. Basically using Projucer instead of Cmake :slight_smile:

Can we use the latest Projucer >= 5 without the ROLI login account?
Do we need to #define JUCER_ENABLE_GPL_MODE 1?
And in that case are we ok with the licensing terms, considering that we don’t want to show any JUCE splash screen (as we’re not using JUCE at all!) ?

I know this is a very specific use case but it would be nice to know if we’re doing things right :wink:


That’s a pretty unique use-case, but I’m really glad to hear that it works for you in that way!

Yeah, what you’re doing is totally OK under the GPL, as you’re not releasing any products that contains compiled juce code.

Hey there,

I just want to let you know that from a newbie perspective, all of this should have been communicated much more clearly in the first place, on the website.
This is an unusual licensing setup, so this deserves a detailed explanation on the website, preferably right before the “FAQ” section with the sales plans table.

I was am totally confused about open source via GPL, splash screens, sales plans and why the projucer keeps screaming at me for having the wrong splash screen settings for my license plan. Have things changed since this post or does the Projucer not work with open source in mind?

I hope this feedback will be well received. Please improve on this.