Std::unique_ptr from ChangeBroadcaster Thread (vs. ScopedPointer)

So if I use a std::unique_ptr for my Thread class which is derived from ChangeBroadcaster and I addChangeListener() – when I get the changeListenerCallback() the std::unique_ptr is nullptr, so:

std::unique_ptr<CReloadThread>      m_pReloadThread;

    if (MessageManager::getInstance()->isThisTheMessageThread())
        removeChangeListener (m_pSynthProc);
        MessageManagerLock mml;
        if (mml.lockWasGained())
            removeChangeListener (m_pSynthProc);
    stopThread (2000);

void CReloadThread::run()
    // Do some stuff....
    if (! m_pProcessor->isPluginShuttingDown())        

void CSynthProcessor::changeListenerCallback (ChangeBroadcaster* source)
    if (source == m_pReloadThread.get())
        // Do some post thread stuff...

        // Never gets here with std::unique_ptr but does with ScopedPointer

I get the changeListenerCallback() but m_pReloadThread is nullptr if it’s a std::unique_ptr.

If m_pReloadThread is a ScopedPointer however, m_pReloadThread is not nullptr in changeListenerCallback().

 ScopedPointer <CReloadThread>      m_pReloadThread;




You must be moving out of that unique_ptr somewhere, but I can’t see anything in this code that does so. An easy way to spot the culprit might be to declare the unique_ptr as const and see where it fails to build :slight_smile:

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Brilliant idea! I found a stupid reset() in the wrong place

void CSynthProcessor::stopReloadThread()
    if (m_pReloadThread != nullptr)
        if (m_pReloadThread->isThreadRunning())
            while (m_pReloadThread != nullptr && m_pReloadThread->isThreadRunning())
                ;  // This shouldn't take long
            Logger::writeToLog ("SRC Reload Thread stopped.");
            m_pReloadThread.reset();  // This was after the closing brace

Interesting that ScopedPointer behaved differently.



Yeah, that’s really odd, the two classes should have exactly the same semantics for a move/reset operation.