Tip: Gaining Foreground Window Access

In the hope it will be helpful, I’d like to share some findings and code with you that solves a common problem: Correct stacking of windows and dialogues when multiple processes are involved. I had quite a struggle to get the windows of background processes and plugins to the foreground without blocking system alerts and host dialogues.

On Windows, a background process (e.g. some 32/64 bit bridge or other service that you run as a slave) is not allowed to take foreground access unless it received a permission for that. Simply using setAlwaysOnTop() doesn’t cut it, because that would force all other windows to the background, which can lead to serious deadlock situations (e.g. when a 3rd party plugin opens a file dialogue or alert message).

I found a simple and reliable solution that works for Windows and Mac. It consists of three functions:

[code]** Allow other processes to steal the foreground on the desktop. Call this
before you launch the child process or make the IPC call that opens a
window in the child process. Return true on success.
bool giveAwayForegroundAccess (bool allow);

/** Request that the current process eventually wants to take foreground
access on the desktop. Call this in the application startup of your child
process once.
void setWantForegroundAccess (bool want);

/** Call this immediately after opening a window in the child process
that wants to gain foreground access. The best place is immediately
after setVisible (true). Return true on success.
bool takeForegroundAccessNow (DocumentWindow

The implementation for Windows is:

[code]bool giveAwayForegroundAccess (bool allow)
/** @todo This currently enables the feature only, should also allow for disablement */
LockSetForegroundWindow (LSFW_UNLOCK);
return AllowSetForegroundWindow (ASFW_ANY);

void setWantForegroundAccess (bool want)

bool takeForegroundAccessNow (DocumentWindow* window)
HWND nativeWindow = (HWND)(window->getWindowHandle());
SetForegroundWindow (nativeWindow);
return true;

The implementation for Mac is:

[code]bool giveAwayForegroundAccess (bool allow)
return true;

void setWantForegroundAccess (bool want)
[NSApp activateIgnoringOtherApps:YES];

bool takeForegroundAccessNow (DocumentWindow* window)
NSWindow* nsWindow = [((NSView*)(window->getWindowHandle())) window];
[NSApp activateIgnoringOtherApps:YES];
[nsWindow orderFrontRegardless];
return true;

Jules, feel free to add this to the library if you like. DocumentWindow would probably be a good place. With all methods being static, except takeForegroundAccessNow().

Just what I needed, thanks Ans!

The Windows version of takeForegroundAccessNow didn’t work until I added this to the top: