Updating sliders from midi

I'm learning my way into c++ thru juce and a (somewhat) simple project. I'm trying to write an application that'll translate codes recieved from a serial port to midi messages and vice-verca. I have outgoing data thru midi and serial port working.

Now I'm trying to make recieved midi data move a slider. I'm doing the midi handling in a seperate class, to keep things structured and readable. I'm recieving midi like the juce demo ilustrates.

What I would like to know is: what is the best way to get data from the midi class, to a slider of the GUI class? I've been looking at AsyncUpdate, TimerCallbacks and referTo. If someone have an example I could study, I would be most thankfull :-)

I hope I'm not making you sigh too heavily. Thankyou for your patience!



@soje I have the same problem. Do you have a solution to the problem?

I think I got it working, but I can’t remember how - sorry :slight_smile:

@soje I just started to learn C + +, which has been bothering me for several days! Do you have the source code you made at that time that I can refer to? Or give me some ideas to solve this problem! Thank you very much.