Usage of AudioProcessorParameterGroup

The above code is based on here

Obviously the second line is wrong. I added the code to DSPModulePluginDemo. When trying to build I get the following errors in VS 2019:

>D:\DSPModulePluginDemo\Source\DSPModulePluginDemo.h(109,39): error C2672: 'std::make_unique': no matching overloaded function found (compiling source file ..\..\Source\Main.cpp)
>D:\DSPModulePluginDemo\Source\DSPModulePluginDemo.h(109,1): error C2784: 'std::unique_ptr<_Ty,std::default_delete<_Ty>> std::make_unique(_Types &&...)': could not deduce template argument for '_Types &&...' from 'initializer list' (compiling source file ..\..\Source\Main.cpp)
>D:\DSPModulePluginDemo\Source\DSPModulePluginDemo.h(109,23): error C2672: 'juce::AudioProcessorParameterGroup::addChild': no matching overloaded function found (compiling source file ..\..\Source\Main.cpp)

How can I avoid them?

I already looked at some of the tutorials and the Projucer’s demo projects but I haven’t found an example which explains the usage of AudioProcessorParameterGroup yet.