Using ReferenceCountedObjetPtr<X> for return values in function/method declarations instead of naked X*

My app makes use of reference counting throughout.

if is there any point in writing     ReferenceCountedObjetPtr<X> foo (); 

instead of just  X* foo();  

  Of course this pointer will be used in an assignment to some ReferenceCountedObjetPtr in the code.


It seem wasteful to be instantiating ReferenceCountedObjetPtr<X> briefly, having the target class refcount incremented, only to straight away

have the refcount decrementes as the ReferenceCountedObjetPtr<X>  return value goes out of scope.



The compiler will often be able to optimise-away the temporary objects, so there may be little or no overhead.

The danger in returning a raw pointer is that if you write something like this:

Thing* getThing()
    ReferenceCountedObjectPtr<Thing> t = new Thing();


    return t;

..then you'll be returning a dangling pointer, and this is an easy mistake to make.

In case: ( ).

thanks for that.


As the code in question is auto generated by my cross-compiler I can assure that the pointer from such a function does always go into a  ReferenceCountedObjectPtr<Thing>  at the other end - all my class instances are references and local variables are always ReferenceCountedObjectPtr<Thing>  too. So i should be ok in that situation shouldnt i ? 


so for example with 

Thing* getThing() {

 ReferenceCountedObjectPtr<Thing> t = new Thing(); 
return t; 


i might have code like: 


void fooThing() {

  ReferenceCountedObjectPtr<Thing> t = getThing();





is that ok ? 


Working in Xcode it does seem that - in debugger mode at least I have to step through the reference countpointer stuff for the return value - so 

even if the compiler strips out this code in the final build its a little of a drag when stepping thru the debugger.


..not sure you fully understood what I meant in my previous post?

It rarely matters what happens to the pointer that is returned - there's not much damage you can do with that. The danger is that in the code-snippet I posted, it deletes the object inside the function, and then returns a dangling pointer.

eek  yes !   got you.