VST target permissions

I have made a JUCE plug-in that has the ability to upload an image to it. Once the image has been uploaded the parent folder is scanned and all other .jpg files are loaded into an array for the user to scroll through using the findChildFIles function of the JUCE File type. This has been working perfectly until now when the other images from the parent directory are no longer loaded when an image from the Downloads or Desktop folder is chosen with the vst target being run from AudioPluginHost. When running the plug-in as standalone everyhting loads and works as expected. I suspect this is a permissions issue where the vst instance does not have permission to access files on the desktop/in downloads but I cannot work out how to fix it. XCode has full disk access and I have tried cleaning the build folder, deleting derived data, restarting my machine etc. but none of these have worked. Is there a way to build the vst from scratch/reset the permissions?

Have you tried to give Cubase (the ‘master process’ in which the VST sub-process runs) permission to the ~/Downloads and ~/Desktop folders? The VST plugin runs in the context of the application, which must propagate its permissions to sub-threads …