What about if the OnlineUnlockForm is greater than the plugin's window

Hi all,

Well, just I saw that the OnlineUnlockForm exeeds the dimentions of my plugin's main window.
So, the user can't see the OnlineUnlockForm and the final result is a bit sucks.

Thanks for any advice on that



resize the component? 

yeah, you can change the size of your plugin window, I think all hosts will support that nowadays.

...or it may be displayed in an external dialog window when needed

Yes, but beware of doing this! External windows are the cause of many plugin compatibility woes..

I'm very well aware of it, I've been burned by this so many times that I resort to it only when every other solution is not viable (which, unfortunately, is the case of the OP anyway).

Non-blocking dialogs is the way to go in those cases