XCode breakpoints not working

Hi, I’ve read all the thread about it but nothing seem to work, so maybe I’m missing something.
XCode doesn’t stop on juce cpp files included in my project,
I already set settings set target.inline-breakpoint-strategy always into ~/.lldbinit , but nothing.
Any suggestion?

Just happened to me to so searched and found this post. In the end this was the answer: Why aren't Xcode breakpoints functioning? - Stack Overflow

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I’m having issues with breakpoints too. In my case, the field “Debug Information Format” within “Build Settings” keeps (for no reason I can find) resetting to “DWARF”. For breakpoints to work, it must be “DWARF with dSYM File”. What could be causing this?

You should set the following “Custom Xcode Flags” either in Projucer or your cmake file. I only can tell for the Projucer at the moment. Access your “Exporter” (in Projucer on the left - like “Xcode (macOS)”), then click on either “Debug” or “Release” and search for “Custom Xcode Flags”.
Put in the following:
Since it’s a while ago when I added these flags, I don’t know, if the second one is still needed.

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Ah nice, thank you!