/* ============================================================================== This file is part of the JUCE library. Copyright (c) 2020 - Raw Material Software Limited JUCE is an open source library subject to commercial or open-source licensing. By using JUCE, you agree to the terms of both the JUCE 6 End-User License Agreement and JUCE Privacy Policy (both effective as of the 16th June 2020). End User License Agreement: www.juce.com/juce-6-licence Privacy Policy: www.juce.com/juce-privacy-policy Or: You may also use this code under the terms of the GPL v3 (see www.gnu.org/licenses). JUCE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, AND ALL WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR PURPOSE, ARE DISCLAIMED. ============================================================================== */ namespace juce { // a word or space that can't be broken down any further struct TextAtom { //============================================================================== String atomText; float width; int numChars; //============================================================================== bool isWhitespace() const noexcept { return CharacterFunctions::isWhitespace (atomText[0]); } bool isNewLine() const noexcept { return atomText[0] == '\r' || atomText[0] == '\n'; } String getText (juce_wchar passwordCharacter) const { if (passwordCharacter == 0) return atomText; return String::repeatedString (String::charToString (passwordCharacter), atomText.length()); } String getTrimmedText (const juce_wchar passwordCharacter) const { if (passwordCharacter == 0) return atomText.substring (0, numChars); if (isNewLine()) return {}; return String::repeatedString (String::charToString (passwordCharacter), numChars); } JUCE_LEAK_DETECTOR (TextAtom) }; //============================================================================== // a run of text with a single font and colour class TextEditor::UniformTextSection { public: UniformTextSection (const String& text, const Font& f, Colour col, juce_wchar passwordCharToUse) : font (f), colour (col), passwordChar (passwordCharToUse) { initialiseAtoms (text); } UniformTextSection (const UniformTextSection&) = default; UniformTextSection (UniformTextSection&&) = default; UniformTextSection& operator= (const UniformTextSection&) = delete; void append (UniformTextSection& other) { if (! other.atoms.isEmpty()) { int i = 0; if (! atoms.isEmpty()) { auto& lastAtom = atoms.getReference (atoms.size() - 1); if (! CharacterFunctions::isWhitespace (lastAtom.atomText.getLastCharacter())) { auto& first = other.atoms.getReference(0); if (! CharacterFunctions::isWhitespace (first.atomText[0])) { lastAtom.atomText += first.atomText; lastAtom.numChars = (uint16) (lastAtom.numChars + first.numChars); lastAtom.width = font.getStringWidthFloat (lastAtom.getText (passwordChar)); ++i; } } } atoms.ensureStorageAllocated (atoms.size() + other.atoms.size() - i); while (i < other.atoms.size()) { atoms.add (other.atoms.getReference(i)); ++i; } } } UniformTextSection* split (int indexToBreakAt) { auto* section2 = new UniformTextSection ({}, font, colour, passwordChar); int index = 0; for (int i = 0; i < atoms.size(); ++i) { auto& atom = atoms.getReference(i); auto nextIndex = index + atom.numChars; if (index == indexToBreakAt) { for (int j = i; j < atoms.size(); ++j) section2->atoms.add (atoms.getUnchecked (j)); atoms.removeRange (i, atoms.size()); break; } if (indexToBreakAt >= index && indexToBreakAt < nextIndex) { TextAtom secondAtom; secondAtom.atomText = atom.atomText.substring (indexToBreakAt - index); secondAtom.width = font.getStringWidthFloat (secondAtom.getText (passwordChar)); secondAtom.numChars = (uint16) secondAtom.atomText.length(); section2->atoms.add (secondAtom); atom.atomText = atom.atomText.substring (0, indexToBreakAt - index); atom.width = font.getStringWidthFloat (atom.getText (passwordChar)); atom.numChars = (uint16) (indexToBreakAt - index); for (int j = i + 1; j < atoms.size(); ++j) section2->atoms.add (atoms.getUnchecked (j)); atoms.removeRange (i + 1, atoms.size()); break; } index = nextIndex; } return section2; } void appendAllText (MemoryOutputStream& mo) const { for (auto& atom : atoms) mo << atom.atomText; } void appendSubstring (MemoryOutputStream& mo, Range range) const { int index = 0; for (auto& atom : atoms) { auto nextIndex = index + atom.numChars; if (range.getStart() < nextIndex) { if (range.getEnd() <= index) break; auto r = (range - index).getIntersectionWith ({ 0, (int) atom.numChars }); if (! r.isEmpty()) mo << atom.atomText.substring (r.getStart(), r.getEnd()); } index = nextIndex; } } int getTotalLength() const noexcept { int total = 0; for (auto& atom : atoms) total += atom.numChars; return total; } void setFont (const Font& newFont, const juce_wchar passwordCharToUse) { if (font != newFont || passwordChar != passwordCharToUse) { font = newFont; passwordChar = passwordCharToUse; for (auto& atom : atoms) atom.width = newFont.getStringWidthFloat (atom.getText (passwordChar)); } } //============================================================================== Font font; Colour colour; Array atoms; juce_wchar passwordChar; private: void initialiseAtoms (const String& textToParse) { auto text = textToParse.getCharPointer(); while (! text.isEmpty()) { size_t numChars = 0; auto start = text; // create a whitespace atom unless it starts with non-ws if (text.isWhitespace() && *text != '\r' && *text != '\n') { do { ++text; ++numChars; } while (text.isWhitespace() && *text != '\r' && *text != '\n'); } else { if (*text == '\r') { ++text; ++numChars; if (*text == '\n') { ++start; ++text; } } else if (*text == '\n') { ++text; ++numChars; } else { while (! (text.isEmpty() || text.isWhitespace())) { ++text; ++numChars; } } } TextAtom atom; atom.atomText = String (start, numChars); atom.width = (atom.isNewLine() ? 0.0f : font.getStringWidthFloat (atom.getText (passwordChar))); atom.numChars = (uint16) numChars; atoms.add (atom); } } JUCE_LEAK_DETECTOR (UniformTextSection) }; //============================================================================== struct TextEditor::Iterator { Iterator (const TextEditor& ed) : sections (ed.sections), justification (ed.justification), bottomRight ((float) ed.getMaximumTextWidth(), (float) ed.getMaximumTextHeight()), wordWrapWidth ((float) ed.getWordWrapWidth()), passwordCharacter (ed.passwordCharacter), lineSpacing (ed.lineSpacing), underlineWhitespace (ed.underlineWhitespace) { jassert (wordWrapWidth > 0); if (! sections.isEmpty()) { currentSection = sections.getUnchecked (sectionIndex); if (currentSection != nullptr) beginNewLine(); } lineHeight = ed.currentFont.getHeight(); } Iterator (const Iterator&) = default; Iterator& operator= (const Iterator&) = delete; //============================================================================== bool next() { if (atom == &longAtom && chunkLongAtom (true)) return true; if (sectionIndex >= sections.size()) { moveToEndOfLastAtom(); return false; } bool forceNewLine = false; if (atomIndex >= currentSection->atoms.size() - 1) { if (atomIndex >= currentSection->atoms.size()) { if (++sectionIndex >= sections.size()) { moveToEndOfLastAtom(); return false; } atomIndex = 0; currentSection = sections.getUnchecked (sectionIndex); } else { auto& lastAtom = currentSection->atoms.getReference (atomIndex); if (! lastAtom.isWhitespace()) { // handle the case where the last atom in a section is actually part of the same // word as the first atom of the next section... float right = atomRight + lastAtom.width; float lineHeight2 = lineHeight; float maxDescent2 = maxDescent; for (int section = sectionIndex + 1; section < sections.size(); ++section) { auto* s = sections.getUnchecked (section); if (s->atoms.size() == 0) break; auto& nextAtom = s->atoms.getReference (0); if (nextAtom.isWhitespace()) break; right += nextAtom.width; lineHeight2 = jmax (lineHeight2, s->font.getHeight()); maxDescent2 = jmax (maxDescent2, s->font.getDescent()); if (shouldWrap (right)) { lineHeight = lineHeight2; maxDescent = maxDescent2; forceNewLine = true; break; } if (s->atoms.size() > 1) break; } } } } bool isInPreviousAtom = false; if (atom != nullptr) { atomX = atomRight; indexInText += atom->numChars; if (atom->isNewLine()) beginNewLine(); else isInPreviousAtom = true; } atom = &(currentSection->atoms.getReference (atomIndex)); atomRight = atomX + atom->width; ++atomIndex; if (shouldWrap (atomRight) || forceNewLine) { if (atom->isWhitespace()) { // leave whitespace at the end of a line, but truncate it to avoid scrolling atomRight = jmin (atomRight, wordWrapWidth); } else if (shouldWrap (atom->width)) // atom too big to fit on a line, so break it up.. { longAtom = *atom; longAtom.numChars = 0; atom = &longAtom; chunkLongAtom (isInPreviousAtom); } else { beginNewLine(); atomRight = atomX + atom->width; } } return true; } void beginNewLine() { ++currentLineIndex; lineY += lineHeight * lineSpacing; float lineWidth = 0; auto tempSectionIndex = sectionIndex; auto tempAtomIndex = atomIndex; auto* section = sections.getUnchecked (tempSectionIndex); lineHeight = section->font.getHeight(); maxDescent = section->font.getDescent(); float nextLineWidth = (atom != nullptr) ? atom->width : 0.0f; while (! shouldWrap (nextLineWidth)) { lineWidth = nextLineWidth; if (tempSectionIndex >= sections.size()) break; bool checkSize = false; if (tempAtomIndex >= section->atoms.size()) { if (++tempSectionIndex >= sections.size()) break; tempAtomIndex = 0; section = sections.getUnchecked (tempSectionIndex); checkSize = true; } if (! isPositiveAndBelow (tempAtomIndex, section->atoms.size())) break; auto& nextAtom = section->atoms.getReference (tempAtomIndex); nextLineWidth += nextAtom.width; if (shouldWrap (nextLineWidth) || nextAtom.isNewLine()) break; if (checkSize) { lineHeight = jmax (lineHeight, section->font.getHeight()); maxDescent = jmax (maxDescent, section->font.getDescent()); } ++tempAtomIndex; } atomX = getJustificationOffsetX (lineWidth); } float getJustificationOffsetX (float lineWidth) const { if (justification.testFlags (Justification::horizontallyCentred)) return jmax (0.0f, (bottomRight.x - lineWidth) * 0.5f); if (justification.testFlags (Justification::right)) return jmax (0.0f, bottomRight.x - lineWidth); return 0; } //============================================================================== void draw (Graphics& g, const UniformTextSection*& lastSection, AffineTransform transform) const { if (passwordCharacter != 0 || (underlineWhitespace || ! atom->isWhitespace())) { if (lastSection != currentSection) { lastSection = currentSection; g.setColour (currentSection->colour); g.setFont (currentSection->font); } jassert (atom->getTrimmedText (passwordCharacter).isNotEmpty()); GlyphArrangement ga; ga.addLineOfText (currentSection->font, atom->getTrimmedText (passwordCharacter), atomX, (float) roundToInt (lineY + lineHeight - maxDescent)); ga.draw (g, transform); } } void drawUnderline (Graphics& g, Range underline, Colour colour, AffineTransform transform) const { auto startX = roundToInt (indexToX (underline.getStart())); auto endX = roundToInt (indexToX (underline.getEnd())); auto baselineY = roundToInt (lineY + currentSection->font.getAscent() + 0.5f); Graphics::ScopedSaveState state (g); g.addTransform (transform); g.reduceClipRegion ({ startX, baselineY, endX - startX, 1 }); g.fillCheckerBoard ({ (float) endX, (float) baselineY + 1.0f }, 3.0f, 1.0f, colour, Colours::transparentBlack); } void drawSelectedText (Graphics& g, Range selected, Colour selectedTextColour, AffineTransform transform) const { if (passwordCharacter != 0 || ! atom->isWhitespace()) { GlyphArrangement ga; ga.addLineOfText (currentSection->font, atom->getTrimmedText (passwordCharacter), atomX, (float) roundToInt (lineY + lineHeight - maxDescent)); if (selected.getEnd() < indexInText + atom->numChars) { GlyphArrangement ga2 (ga); ga2.removeRangeOfGlyphs (0, selected.getEnd() - indexInText); ga.removeRangeOfGlyphs (selected.getEnd() - indexInText, -1); g.setColour (currentSection->colour); ga2.draw (g, transform); } if (selected.getStart() > indexInText) { GlyphArrangement ga2 (ga); ga2.removeRangeOfGlyphs (selected.getStart() - indexInText, -1); ga.removeRangeOfGlyphs (0, selected.getStart() - indexInText); g.setColour (currentSection->colour); ga2.draw (g, transform); } g.setColour (selectedTextColour); ga.draw (g, transform); } } //============================================================================== float indexToX (int indexToFind) const { if (indexToFind <= indexInText) return atomX; if (indexToFind >= indexInText + atom->numChars) return atomRight; GlyphArrangement g; g.addLineOfText (currentSection->font, atom->getText (passwordCharacter), atomX, 0.0f); if (indexToFind - indexInText >= g.getNumGlyphs()) return atomRight; return jmin (atomRight, g.getGlyph (indexToFind - indexInText).getLeft()); } int xToIndex (float xToFind) const { if (xToFind <= atomX || atom->isNewLine()) return indexInText; if (xToFind >= atomRight) return indexInText + atom->numChars; GlyphArrangement g; g.addLineOfText (currentSection->font, atom->getText (passwordCharacter), atomX, 0.0f); auto numGlyphs = g.getNumGlyphs(); int j; for (j = 0; j < numGlyphs; ++j) { auto& pg = g.getGlyph(j); if ((pg.getLeft() + pg.getRight()) / 2 > xToFind) break; } return indexInText + j; } //============================================================================== bool getCharPosition (int index, Point& anchor, float& lineHeightFound) { while (next()) { if (indexInText + atom->numChars > index) { anchor = { indexToX (index), lineY }; lineHeightFound = lineHeight; return true; } } anchor = { atomX, lineY }; lineHeightFound = lineHeight; return false; } float getYOffset() { if (justification.testFlags (Justification::top) || lineY >= bottomRight.y) return 0; while (next()) { if (lineY >= bottomRight.y) return 0; } auto bottom = jmax (0.0f, bottomRight.y - lineY - lineHeight); if (justification.testFlags (Justification::bottom)) return bottom; return bottom * 0.5f; } int getTotalTextHeight() { while (next()) {} auto height = lineY + lineHeight + getYOffset(); if (atom != nullptr && atom->isNewLine()) height += lineHeight; return roundToInt (height); } int getTextRight() { float maxWidth = 0.0f; while (next()) maxWidth = jmax (maxWidth, atomRight); return roundToInt (maxWidth); } std::vector> getLineRanges() { std::vector> ranges; int index = currentLineIndex; Range currentLineRange; while (next()) { if (index < currentLineIndex) { currentLineRange.setEnd (indexInText - 1); ranges.push_back (currentLineRange); currentLineRange = { indexInText, indexInText }; index = currentLineIndex; } } currentLineRange.setEnd (atom != nullptr ? indexInText + atom->numChars : indexInText); if (! currentLineRange.isEmpty()) ranges.push_back (currentLineRange); return ranges; } //============================================================================== int indexInText = 0, currentLineIndex = 0; float lineY = 0, lineHeight = 0, maxDescent = 0; float atomX = 0, atomRight = 0; const TextAtom* atom = nullptr; private: const OwnedArray& sections; const UniformTextSection* currentSection = nullptr; int sectionIndex = 0, atomIndex = 0; Justification justification; const Point bottomRight; const float wordWrapWidth; const juce_wchar passwordCharacter; const float lineSpacing; const bool underlineWhitespace; TextAtom longAtom; bool chunkLongAtom (bool shouldStartNewLine) { const auto numRemaining = longAtom.atomText.length() - longAtom.numChars; if (numRemaining <= 0) return false; longAtom.atomText = longAtom.atomText.substring (longAtom.numChars); indexInText += longAtom.numChars; GlyphArrangement g; g.addLineOfText (currentSection->font, atom->getText (passwordCharacter), 0.0f, 0.0f); int split; for (split = 0; split < g.getNumGlyphs(); ++split) if (shouldWrap (g.getGlyph (split).getRight())) break; const auto numChars = jmax (1, split); longAtom.numChars = (uint16) numChars; longAtom.width = g.getGlyph (numChars - 1).getRight(); atomX = getJustificationOffsetX (longAtom.width); if (shouldStartNewLine) { if (split == numRemaining) { beginNewLine(); } else { ++currentLineIndex; lineY += lineHeight * lineSpacing; } } atomRight = atomX + longAtom.width; return true; } void moveToEndOfLastAtom() { if (atom != nullptr) { atomX = atomRight; if (atom->isNewLine()) { atomX = getJustificationOffsetX (0); lineY += lineHeight * lineSpacing; } } } bool shouldWrap (const float x) const noexcept { return (x - 0.0001f) >= wordWrapWidth; } JUCE_LEAK_DETECTOR (Iterator) }; //============================================================================== struct TextEditor::InsertAction : public UndoableAction { InsertAction (TextEditor& ed, const String& newText, int insertPos, const Font& newFont, Colour newColour, int oldCaret, int newCaret) : owner (ed), text (newText), insertIndex (insertPos), oldCaretPos (oldCaret), newCaretPos (newCaret), font (newFont), colour (newColour) { } bool perform() override { owner.insert (text, insertIndex, font, colour, nullptr, newCaretPos); return true; } bool undo() override { owner.remove ({ insertIndex, insertIndex + text.length() }, nullptr, oldCaretPos); return true; } int getSizeInUnits() override { return text.length() + 16; } private: TextEditor& owner; const String text; const int insertIndex, oldCaretPos, newCaretPos; const Font font; const Colour colour; JUCE_DECLARE_NON_COPYABLE (InsertAction) }; //============================================================================== struct TextEditor::RemoveAction : public UndoableAction { RemoveAction (TextEditor& ed, Range rangeToRemove, int oldCaret, int newCaret, const Array& oldSections) : owner (ed), range (rangeToRemove), oldCaretPos (oldCaret), newCaretPos (newCaret) { removedSections.addArray (oldSections); } bool perform() override { owner.remove (range, nullptr, newCaretPos); return true; } bool undo() override { owner.reinsert (range.getStart(), removedSections); owner.moveCaretTo (oldCaretPos, false); return true; } int getSizeInUnits() override { int n = 16; for (auto* s : removedSections) n += s->getTotalLength(); return n; } private: TextEditor& owner; const Range range; const int oldCaretPos, newCaretPos; OwnedArray removedSections; JUCE_DECLARE_NON_COPYABLE (RemoveAction) }; //============================================================================== struct TextEditor::TextHolderComponent : public Component, public Timer, public Value::Listener { TextHolderComponent (TextEditor& ed) : owner (ed) { setWantsKeyboardFocus (false); setInterceptsMouseClicks (false, true); setMouseCursor (MouseCursor::ParentCursor); owner.getTextValue().addListener (this); } ~TextHolderComponent() override { owner.getTextValue().removeListener (this); } void paint (Graphics& g) override { owner.drawContent (g); } void restartTimer() { startTimer (350); } void timerCallback() override { owner.timerCallbackInt(); } void valueChanged (Value&) override { owner.textWasChangedByValue(); } TextEditor& owner; JUCE_DECLARE_NON_COPYABLE (TextHolderComponent) }; //============================================================================== struct TextEditor::TextEditorViewport : public Viewport { TextEditorViewport (TextEditor& ed) : owner (ed) {} void visibleAreaChanged (const Rectangle&) override { if (! reentrant) // it's rare, but possible to get into a feedback loop as the viewport's scrollbars // appear and disappear, causing the wrap width to change. { auto wordWrapWidth = owner.getWordWrapWidth(); if (wordWrapWidth != lastWordWrapWidth) { lastWordWrapWidth = wordWrapWidth; ScopedValueSetter svs (reentrant, true); owner.checkLayout(); } } } private: TextEditor& owner; int lastWordWrapWidth = 0; bool reentrant = false; JUCE_DECLARE_NON_COPYABLE (TextEditorViewport) }; //============================================================================== namespace TextEditorDefs { enum { textChangeMessageId = 0x10003001, returnKeyMessageId, escapeKeyMessageId, focusGainedMessageId, focusLossMessageId }; const int maxActionsPerTransaction = 100; static int getCharacterCategory (juce_wchar character) noexcept { return CharacterFunctions::isLetterOrDigit (character) ? 2 : (CharacterFunctions::isWhitespace (character) ? 0 : 1); } } //============================================================================== TextEditor::TextEditor (const String& name, juce_wchar passwordChar) : Component (name), passwordCharacter (passwordChar) { setMouseCursor (MouseCursor::IBeamCursor); viewport.reset (new TextEditorViewport (*this)); addAndMakeVisible (viewport.get()); viewport->setViewedComponent (textHolder = new TextHolderComponent (*this)); viewport->setWantsKeyboardFocus (false); viewport->setScrollBarsShown (false, false); setWantsKeyboardFocus (true); recreateCaret(); } TextEditor::~TextEditor() { if (wasFocused) if (auto* peer = getPeer()) peer->dismissPendingTextInput(); textValue.removeListener (textHolder); textValue.referTo (Value()); viewport.reset(); textHolder = nullptr; } //============================================================================== void TextEditor::newTransaction() { lastTransactionTime = Time::getApproximateMillisecondCounter(); undoManager.beginNewTransaction(); } bool TextEditor::undoOrRedo (const bool shouldUndo) { if (! isReadOnly()) { newTransaction(); if (shouldUndo ? undoManager.undo() : undoManager.redo()) { repaint(); textChanged(); scrollToMakeSureCursorIsVisible(); return true; } } return false; } bool TextEditor::undo() { return undoOrRedo (true); } bool TextEditor::redo() { return undoOrRedo (false); } //============================================================================== void TextEditor::setMultiLine (const bool shouldBeMultiLine, const bool shouldWordWrap) { if (multiline != shouldBeMultiLine || wordWrap != (shouldWordWrap && shouldBeMultiLine)) { multiline = shouldBeMultiLine; wordWrap = shouldWordWrap && shouldBeMultiLine; checkLayout(); viewport->setViewPosition (0, 0); resized(); scrollToMakeSureCursorIsVisible(); } } bool TextEditor::isMultiLine() const { return multiline; } void TextEditor::setScrollbarsShown (bool shown) { if (scrollbarVisible != shown) { scrollbarVisible = shown; checkLayout(); } } void TextEditor::setReadOnly (bool shouldBeReadOnly) { if (readOnly != shouldBeReadOnly) { readOnly = shouldBeReadOnly; enablementChanged(); invalidateAccessibilityHandler(); } } bool TextEditor::isReadOnly() const noexcept { return readOnly || ! isEnabled(); } bool TextEditor::isTextInputActive() const { return ! isReadOnly(); } void TextEditor::setReturnKeyStartsNewLine (bool shouldStartNewLine) { returnKeyStartsNewLine = shouldStartNewLine; } void TextEditor::setTabKeyUsedAsCharacter (bool shouldTabKeyBeUsed) { tabKeyUsed = shouldTabKeyBeUsed; } void TextEditor::setPopupMenuEnabled (bool b) { popupMenuEnabled = b; } void TextEditor::setSelectAllWhenFocused (bool b) { selectAllTextWhenFocused = b; } void TextEditor::setJustification (Justification j) { if (justification != j) { justification = j; resized(); repaint(); } } //============================================================================== void TextEditor::setFont (const Font& newFont) { currentFont = newFont; scrollToMakeSureCursorIsVisible(); } void TextEditor::applyFontToAllText (const Font& newFont, bool changeCurrentFont) { if (changeCurrentFont) currentFont = newFont; auto overallColour = findColour (textColourId); for (auto* uts : sections) { uts->setFont (newFont, passwordCharacter); uts->colour = overallColour; } coalesceSimilarSections(); checkLayout(); scrollToMakeSureCursorIsVisible(); repaint(); } void TextEditor::applyColourToAllText (const Colour& newColour, bool changeCurrentTextColour) { for (auto* uts : sections) uts->colour = newColour; if (changeCurrentTextColour) setColour (TextEditor::textColourId, newColour); else repaint(); } void TextEditor::lookAndFeelChanged() { caret.reset(); recreateCaret(); repaint(); } void TextEditor::parentHierarchyChanged() { lookAndFeelChanged(); } void TextEditor::enablementChanged() { recreateCaret(); repaint(); } void TextEditor::setCaretVisible (bool shouldCaretBeVisible) { if (caretVisible != shouldCaretBeVisible) { caretVisible = shouldCaretBeVisible; recreateCaret(); } } void TextEditor::recreateCaret() { if (isCaretVisible()) { if (caret == nullptr) { caret.reset (getLookAndFeel().createCaretComponent (this)); textHolder->addChildComponent (caret.get()); updateCaretPosition(); } } else { caret.reset(); } } void TextEditor::updateCaretPosition() { if (caret != nullptr && getWidth() > 0 && getHeight() > 0) { Iterator i (*this); caret->setCaretPosition (getCaretRectangle().translated (leftIndent, topIndent + roundToInt (i.getYOffset()))); if (auto* handler = getAccessibilityHandler()) handler->notifyAccessibilityEvent (AccessibilityEvent::textSelectionChanged); } } TextEditor::LengthAndCharacterRestriction::LengthAndCharacterRestriction (int maxLen, const String& chars) : allowedCharacters (chars), maxLength (maxLen) { } String TextEditor::LengthAndCharacterRestriction::filterNewText (TextEditor& ed, const String& newInput) { String t (newInput); if (allowedCharacters.isNotEmpty()) t = t.retainCharacters (allowedCharacters); if (maxLength > 0) t = t.substring (0, maxLength - (ed.getTotalNumChars() - ed.getHighlightedRegion().getLength())); return t; } void TextEditor::setInputFilter (InputFilter* newFilter, bool takeOwnership) { inputFilter.set (newFilter, takeOwnership); } void TextEditor::setInputRestrictions (int maxLen, const String& chars) { setInputFilter (new LengthAndCharacterRestriction (maxLen, chars), true); } void TextEditor::setTextToShowWhenEmpty (const String& text, Colour colourToUse) { textToShowWhenEmpty = text; colourForTextWhenEmpty = colourToUse; } void TextEditor::setPasswordCharacter (juce_wchar newPasswordCharacter) { if (passwordCharacter != newPasswordCharacter) { passwordCharacter = newPasswordCharacter; applyFontToAllText (currentFont); } } void TextEditor::setScrollBarThickness (int newThicknessPixels) { viewport->setScrollBarThickness (newThicknessPixels); } //============================================================================== void TextEditor::clear() { clearInternal (nullptr); checkLayout(); undoManager.clearUndoHistory(); } void TextEditor::setText (const String& newText, bool sendTextChangeMessage) { auto newLength = newText.length(); if (newLength != getTotalNumChars() || getText() != newText) { if (! sendTextChangeMessage) textValue.removeListener (textHolder); textValue = newText; auto oldCursorPos = caretPosition; bool cursorWasAtEnd = oldCursorPos >= getTotalNumChars(); clearInternal (nullptr); insert (newText, 0, currentFont, findColour (textColourId), nullptr, caretPosition); // if you're adding text with line-feeds to a single-line text editor, it // ain't gonna look right! jassert (multiline || ! newText.containsAnyOf ("\r\n")); if (cursorWasAtEnd && ! isMultiLine()) oldCursorPos = getTotalNumChars(); moveCaretTo (oldCursorPos, false); if (sendTextChangeMessage) textChanged(); else textValue.addListener (textHolder); checkLayout(); scrollToMakeSureCursorIsVisible(); undoManager.clearUndoHistory(); repaint(); } } //============================================================================== void TextEditor::updateValueFromText() { if (valueTextNeedsUpdating) { valueTextNeedsUpdating = false; textValue = getText(); } } Value& TextEditor::getTextValue() { updateValueFromText(); return textValue; } void TextEditor::textWasChangedByValue() { if (textValue.getValueSource().getReferenceCount() > 1) setText (textValue.getValue()); } //============================================================================== void TextEditor::textChanged() { checkLayout(); if (listeners.size() != 0 || onTextChange != nullptr) postCommandMessage (TextEditorDefs::textChangeMessageId); if (textValue.getValueSource().getReferenceCount() > 1) { valueTextNeedsUpdating = false; textValue = getText(); } if (auto* handler = getAccessibilityHandler()) handler->notifyAccessibilityEvent (AccessibilityEvent::textChanged); } void TextEditor::setSelection (Range newSelection) noexcept { if (newSelection != selection) { selection = newSelection; if (auto* handler = getAccessibilityHandler()) handler->notifyAccessibilityEvent (AccessibilityEvent::textSelectionChanged); } } void TextEditor::returnPressed() { postCommandMessage (TextEditorDefs::returnKeyMessageId); } void TextEditor::escapePressed() { postCommandMessage (TextEditorDefs::escapeKeyMessageId); } void TextEditor::addListener (Listener* l) { listeners.add (l); } void TextEditor::removeListener (Listener* l) { listeners.remove (l); } //============================================================================== void TextEditor::timerCallbackInt() { checkFocus(); auto now = Time::getApproximateMillisecondCounter(); if (now > lastTransactionTime + 200) newTransaction(); } void TextEditor::checkFocus() { if (! wasFocused && hasKeyboardFocus (false) && ! isCurrentlyBlockedByAnotherModalComponent()) { wasFocused = true; if (auto* peer = getPeer()) if (! isReadOnly()) peer->textInputRequired (peer->globalToLocal (getScreenPosition()), *this); } } void TextEditor::repaintText (Range range) { if (! range.isEmpty()) { if (range.getEnd() >= getTotalNumChars()) { textHolder->repaint(); return; } Iterator i (*this); Point anchor; auto lh = currentFont.getHeight(); i.getCharPosition (range.getStart(), anchor, lh); auto y1 = std::trunc (anchor.y); int y2 = 0; if (range.getEnd() >= getTotalNumChars()) { y2 = textHolder->getHeight(); } else { i.getCharPosition (range.getEnd(), anchor, lh); y2 = (int) (anchor.y + lh * 2.0f); } auto offset = i.getYOffset(); textHolder->repaint (0, roundToInt (y1 + offset), textHolder->getWidth(), roundToInt ((float) y2 - y1 + offset)); } } //============================================================================== void TextEditor::moveCaret (int newCaretPos) { if (newCaretPos < 0) newCaretPos = 0; else newCaretPos = jmin (newCaretPos, getTotalNumChars()); if (newCaretPos != getCaretPosition()) { caretPosition = newCaretPos; if (hasKeyboardFocus (false)) textHolder->restartTimer(); scrollToMakeSureCursorIsVisible(); updateCaretPosition(); if (auto* handler = getAccessibilityHandler()) handler->notifyAccessibilityEvent (AccessibilityEvent::textChanged); } } int TextEditor::getCaretPosition() const { return caretPosition; } void TextEditor::setCaretPosition (const int newIndex) { moveCaretTo (newIndex, false); } void TextEditor::moveCaretToEnd() { setCaretPosition (std::numeric_limits::max()); } void TextEditor::scrollEditorToPositionCaret (const int desiredCaretX, const int desiredCaretY) { updateCaretPosition(); auto caretRect = getCaretRectangle().translated (leftIndent, topIndent); auto vx = caretRect.getX() - desiredCaretX; auto vy = caretRect.getY() - desiredCaretY; if (desiredCaretX < jmax (1, proportionOfWidth (0.05f))) vx += desiredCaretX - proportionOfWidth (0.2f); else if (desiredCaretX > jmax (0, viewport->getMaximumVisibleWidth() - (wordWrap ? 2 : 10))) vx += desiredCaretX + (isMultiLine() ? proportionOfWidth (0.2f) : 10) - viewport->getMaximumVisibleWidth(); vx = jlimit (0, jmax (0, textHolder->getWidth() + 8 - viewport->getMaximumVisibleWidth()), vx); if (! isMultiLine()) { vy = viewport->getViewPositionY(); } else { vy = jlimit (0, jmax (0, textHolder->getHeight() - viewport->getMaximumVisibleHeight()), vy); if (desiredCaretY < 0) vy = jmax (0, desiredCaretY + vy); else if (desiredCaretY > jmax (0, viewport->getMaximumVisibleHeight() - caretRect.getHeight())) vy += desiredCaretY + 2 + caretRect.getHeight() - viewport->getMaximumVisibleHeight(); } viewport->setViewPosition (vx, vy); } Rectangle TextEditor::getCaretRectangle() { return getCaretRectangleFloat().getSmallestIntegerContainer(); } Rectangle TextEditor::getCaretRectangleFloat() const { Point anchor; auto cursorHeight = currentFont.getHeight(); // (in case the text is empty and the call below doesn't set this value) getCharPosition (caretPosition, anchor, cursorHeight); return { anchor.x, anchor.y, 2.0f, cursorHeight }; } Point TextEditor::getTextOffset() const noexcept { Iterator i (*this); auto yOffset = i.getYOffset(); return { getLeftIndent() + borderSize.getLeft() - viewport->getViewPositionX(), roundToInt ((float) getTopIndent() + (float) borderSize.getTop() + yOffset) - viewport->getViewPositionY() }; } RectangleList TextEditor::getTextBounds (Range textRange) { RectangleList boundingBox; for (auto lineRange : Iterator { *this }.getLineRanges()) { auto intersection = lineRange.getIntersectionWith (textRange); if (! intersection.isEmpty()) { Point anchorStart, anchorEnd; float lineHeight = 0.0f; getCharPosition (intersection.getStart(), anchorStart, lineHeight); getCharPosition (intersection.getEnd(), anchorEnd, lineHeight); boundingBox.add (Rectangle (anchorStart.x, anchorStart.y, anchorEnd.x - anchorStart.x, lineHeight).toNearestInt()); if (intersection == textRange) break; } } boundingBox.offsetAll (getTextOffset()); return boundingBox; } //============================================================================== // Extra space for the cursor at the right-hand-edge constexpr int rightEdgeSpace = 2; int TextEditor::getWordWrapWidth() const { return wordWrap ? getMaximumTextWidth() : std::numeric_limits::max(); } int TextEditor::getMaximumTextWidth() const { return jmax (1, viewport->getMaximumVisibleWidth() - leftIndent - rightEdgeSpace); } int TextEditor::getMaximumTextHeight() const { return jmax (1, viewport->getMaximumVisibleHeight() - topIndent); } void TextEditor::checkLayout() { if (getWordWrapWidth() > 0) { const auto textBottom = Iterator (*this).getTotalTextHeight() + topIndent; const auto textRight = jmax (viewport->getMaximumVisibleWidth(), Iterator (*this).getTextRight() + leftIndent + rightEdgeSpace); textHolder->setSize (textRight, textBottom); viewport->setScrollBarsShown (scrollbarVisible && multiline && textBottom > viewport->getMaximumVisibleHeight(), scrollbarVisible && multiline && ! wordWrap && textRight > viewport->getMaximumVisibleWidth()); } } int TextEditor::getTextWidth() const { return textHolder->getWidth(); } int TextEditor::getTextHeight() const { return textHolder->getHeight(); } void TextEditor::setIndents (int newLeftIndent, int newTopIndent) { if (leftIndent != newLeftIndent || topIndent != newTopIndent) { leftIndent = newLeftIndent; topIndent = newTopIndent; resized(); repaint(); } } void TextEditor::setBorder (BorderSize border) { borderSize = border; resized(); } BorderSize TextEditor::getBorder() const { return borderSize; } void TextEditor::setScrollToShowCursor (const bool shouldScrollToShowCursor) { keepCaretOnScreen = shouldScrollToShowCursor; } void TextEditor::scrollToMakeSureCursorIsVisible() { updateCaretPosition(); if (keepCaretOnScreen) { auto viewPos = viewport->getViewPosition(); auto caretRect = getCaretRectangle().translated (leftIndent, topIndent); auto relativeCursor = caretRect.getPosition() - viewPos; if (relativeCursor.x < jmax (1, proportionOfWidth (0.05f))) { viewPos.x += relativeCursor.x - proportionOfWidth (0.2f); } else if (relativeCursor.x > jmax (0, viewport->getMaximumVisibleWidth() - (wordWrap ? 2 : 10))) { viewPos.x += relativeCursor.x + (isMultiLine() ? proportionOfWidth (0.2f) : 10) - viewport->getMaximumVisibleWidth(); } viewPos.x = jlimit (0, jmax (0, textHolder->getWidth() + 8 - viewport->getMaximumVisibleWidth()), viewPos.x); if (! isMultiLine()) { viewPos.y = (getHeight() - textHolder->getHeight() - topIndent) / -2; } else if (relativeCursor.y < 0) { viewPos.y = jmax (0, relativeCursor.y + viewPos.y); } else if (relativeCursor.y > jmax (0, viewport->getMaximumVisibleHeight() - caretRect.getHeight())) { viewPos.y += relativeCursor.y + 2 + caretRect.getHeight() - viewport->getMaximumVisibleHeight(); } viewport->setViewPosition (viewPos); } } void TextEditor::moveCaretTo (const int newPosition, const bool isSelecting) { if (isSelecting) { moveCaret (newPosition); auto oldSelection = selection; if (dragType == notDragging) { if (std::abs (getCaretPosition() - selection.getStart()) < std::abs (getCaretPosition() - selection.getEnd())) dragType = draggingSelectionStart; else dragType = draggingSelectionEnd; } if (dragType == draggingSelectionStart) { if (getCaretPosition() >= selection.getEnd()) dragType = draggingSelectionEnd; setSelection (Range::between (getCaretPosition(), selection.getEnd())); } else { if (getCaretPosition() < selection.getStart()) dragType = draggingSelectionStart; setSelection (Range::between (getCaretPosition(), selection.getStart())); } repaintText (selection.getUnionWith (oldSelection)); } else { dragType = notDragging; repaintText (selection); moveCaret (newPosition); setSelection (Range::emptyRange (getCaretPosition())); } } int TextEditor::getTextIndexAt (const int x, const int y) const { const auto offset = getTextOffset(); return indexAtPosition ((float) (x - offset.x), (float) (y - offset.y)); } void TextEditor::insertTextAtCaret (const String& t) { String newText (inputFilter != nullptr ? inputFilter->filterNewText (*this, t) : t); if (isMultiLine()) newText = newText.replace ("\r\n", "\n"); else newText = newText.replaceCharacters ("\r\n", " "); const int insertIndex = selection.getStart(); const int newCaretPos = insertIndex + newText.length(); remove (selection, getUndoManager(), newText.isNotEmpty() ? newCaretPos - 1 : newCaretPos); insert (newText, insertIndex, currentFont, findColour (textColourId), getUndoManager(), newCaretPos); textChanged(); } void TextEditor::setHighlightedRegion (const Range& newSelection) { moveCaretTo (newSelection.getStart(), false); moveCaretTo (newSelection.getEnd(), true); } //============================================================================== void TextEditor::copy() { if (passwordCharacter == 0) { auto selectedText = getHighlightedText(); if (selectedText.isNotEmpty()) SystemClipboard::copyTextToClipboard (selectedText); } } void TextEditor::paste() { if (! isReadOnly()) { auto clip = SystemClipboard::getTextFromClipboard(); if (clip.isNotEmpty()) insertTextAtCaret (clip); } } void TextEditor::cut() { if (! isReadOnly()) { moveCaret (selection.getEnd()); insertTextAtCaret (String()); } } //============================================================================== void TextEditor::drawContent (Graphics& g) { if (getWordWrapWidth() > 0) { g.setOrigin (leftIndent, topIndent); auto clip = g.getClipBounds(); auto yOffset = Iterator (*this).getYOffset(); AffineTransform transform; if (yOffset > 0) { transform = AffineTransform::translation (0.0f, yOffset); clip.setY (roundToInt ((float) clip.getY() - yOffset)); } Iterator i (*this); Colour selectedTextColour; if (! selection.isEmpty()) { selectedTextColour = findColour (highlightedTextColourId); g.setColour (findColour (highlightColourId).withMultipliedAlpha (hasKeyboardFocus (true) ? 1.0f : 0.5f)); auto boundingBox = getTextBounds (selection); boundingBox.offsetAll (-getTextOffset()); g.fillPath (boundingBox.toPath(), transform); } const UniformTextSection* lastSection = nullptr; while (i.next() && i.lineY < (float) clip.getBottom()) { if (i.lineY + i.lineHeight >= (float) clip.getY()) { if (selection.intersects ({ i.indexInText, i.indexInText + i.atom->numChars })) { i.drawSelectedText (g, selection, selectedTextColour, transform); lastSection = nullptr; } else { i.draw (g, lastSection, transform); } } } for (auto& underlinedSection : underlinedSections) { Iterator i2 (*this); while (i2.next() && i2.lineY < (float) clip.getBottom()) { if (i2.lineY + i2.lineHeight >= (float) clip.getY() && underlinedSection.intersects ({ i2.indexInText, i2.indexInText + i2.atom->numChars })) { i2.drawUnderline (g, underlinedSection, findColour (textColourId), transform); } } } } } void TextEditor::paint (Graphics& g) { getLookAndFeel().fillTextEditorBackground (g, getWidth(), getHeight(), *this); } void TextEditor::paintOverChildren (Graphics& g) { if (textToShowWhenEmpty.isNotEmpty() && (! hasKeyboardFocus (false)) && getTotalNumChars() == 0) { g.setColour (colourForTextWhenEmpty); g.setFont (getFont()); Rectangle textBounds (leftIndent, topIndent, viewport->getWidth() - leftIndent, getHeight() - topIndent); if (! textBounds.isEmpty()) g.drawText (textToShowWhenEmpty, textBounds, justification, true); } getLookAndFeel().drawTextEditorOutline (g, getWidth(), getHeight(), *this); } //============================================================================== void TextEditor::addPopupMenuItems (PopupMenu& m, const MouseEvent*) { const bool writable = ! isReadOnly(); if (passwordCharacter == 0) { m.addItem (StandardApplicationCommandIDs::cut, TRANS("Cut"), writable); m.addItem (StandardApplicationCommandIDs::copy, TRANS("Copy"), ! selection.isEmpty()); } m.addItem (StandardApplicationCommandIDs::paste, TRANS("Paste"), writable); m.addItem (StandardApplicationCommandIDs::del, TRANS("Delete"), writable); m.addSeparator(); m.addItem (StandardApplicationCommandIDs::selectAll, TRANS("Select All")); m.addSeparator(); if (getUndoManager() != nullptr) { m.addItem (StandardApplicationCommandIDs::undo, TRANS("Undo"), undoManager.canUndo()); m.addItem (StandardApplicationCommandIDs::redo, TRANS("Redo"), undoManager.canRedo()); } } void TextEditor::performPopupMenuAction (const int menuItemID) { switch (menuItemID) { case StandardApplicationCommandIDs::cut: cutToClipboard(); break; case StandardApplicationCommandIDs::copy: copyToClipboard(); break; case StandardApplicationCommandIDs::paste: pasteFromClipboard(); break; case StandardApplicationCommandIDs::del: cut(); break; case StandardApplicationCommandIDs::selectAll: selectAll(); break; case StandardApplicationCommandIDs::undo: undo(); break; case StandardApplicationCommandIDs::redo: redo(); break; default: break; } } //============================================================================== void TextEditor::mouseDown (const MouseEvent& e) { beginDragAutoRepeat (100); newTransaction(); if (wasFocused || ! selectAllTextWhenFocused) { if (! (popupMenuEnabled && e.mods.isPopupMenu())) { moveCaretTo (getTextIndexAt (e.x, e.y), e.mods.isShiftDown()); } else { PopupMenu m; m.setLookAndFeel (&getLookAndFeel()); addPopupMenuItems (m, &e); menuActive = true; m.showMenuAsync (PopupMenu::Options(), [safeThis = SafePointer { this }] (int menuResult) { if (auto* editor = safeThis.getComponent()) { editor->menuActive = false; if (menuResult != 0) editor->performPopupMenuAction (menuResult); } }); } } } void TextEditor::mouseDrag (const MouseEvent& e) { if (wasFocused || ! selectAllTextWhenFocused) if (! (popupMenuEnabled && e.mods.isPopupMenu())) moveCaretTo (getTextIndexAt (e.x, e.y), true); } void TextEditor::mouseUp (const MouseEvent& e) { newTransaction(); textHolder->restartTimer(); if (wasFocused || ! selectAllTextWhenFocused) if (e.mouseWasClicked() && ! (popupMenuEnabled && e.mods.isPopupMenu())) moveCaret (getTextIndexAt (e.x, e.y)); wasFocused = true; } void TextEditor::mouseDoubleClick (const MouseEvent& e) { int tokenEnd = getTextIndexAt (e.x, e.y); int tokenStart = 0; if (e.getNumberOfClicks() > 3) { tokenEnd = getTotalNumChars(); } else { auto t = getText(); auto totalLength = getTotalNumChars(); while (tokenEnd < totalLength) { auto c = t[tokenEnd]; // (note the slight bodge here - it's because iswalnum only checks for alphabetic chars in the current locale) if (CharacterFunctions::isLetterOrDigit (c) || c > 128) ++tokenEnd; else break; } tokenStart = tokenEnd; while (tokenStart > 0) { auto c = t[tokenStart - 1]; // (note the slight bodge here - it's because iswalnum only checks for alphabetic chars in the current locale) if (CharacterFunctions::isLetterOrDigit (c) || c > 128) --tokenStart; else break; } if (e.getNumberOfClicks() > 2) { while (tokenEnd < totalLength) { auto c = t[tokenEnd]; if (c != '\r' && c != '\n') ++tokenEnd; else break; } while (tokenStart > 0) { auto c = t[tokenStart - 1]; if (c != '\r' && c != '\n') --tokenStart; else break; } } } moveCaretTo (tokenEnd, false); moveCaretTo (tokenStart, true); } void TextEditor::mouseWheelMove (const MouseEvent& e, const MouseWheelDetails& wheel) { if (! viewport->useMouseWheelMoveIfNeeded (e, wheel)) Component::mouseWheelMove (e, wheel); } //============================================================================== bool TextEditor::moveCaretWithTransaction (const int newPos, const bool selecting) { newTransaction(); moveCaretTo (newPos, selecting); return true; } bool TextEditor::moveCaretLeft (bool moveInWholeWordSteps, bool selecting) { auto pos = getCaretPosition(); if (moveInWholeWordSteps) pos = findWordBreakBefore (pos); else --pos; return moveCaretWithTransaction (pos, selecting); } bool TextEditor::moveCaretRight (bool moveInWholeWordSteps, bool selecting) { auto pos = getCaretPosition(); if (moveInWholeWordSteps) pos = findWordBreakAfter (pos); else ++pos; return moveCaretWithTransaction (pos, selecting); } bool TextEditor::moveCaretUp (bool selecting) { if (! isMultiLine()) return moveCaretToStartOfLine (selecting); auto caretPos = getCaretRectangleFloat(); return moveCaretWithTransaction (indexAtPosition (caretPos.getX(), caretPos.getY() - 1.0f), selecting); } bool TextEditor::moveCaretDown (bool selecting) { if (! isMultiLine()) return moveCaretToEndOfLine (selecting); auto caretPos = getCaretRectangleFloat(); return moveCaretWithTransaction (indexAtPosition (caretPos.getX(), caretPos.getBottom() + 1.0f), selecting); } bool TextEditor::pageUp (bool selecting) { if (! isMultiLine()) return moveCaretToStartOfLine (selecting); auto caretPos = getCaretRectangleFloat(); return moveCaretWithTransaction (indexAtPosition (caretPos.getX(), caretPos.getY() - (float) viewport->getViewHeight()), selecting); } bool TextEditor::pageDown (bool selecting) { if (! isMultiLine()) return moveCaretToEndOfLine (selecting); auto caretPos = getCaretRectangleFloat(); return moveCaretWithTransaction (indexAtPosition (caretPos.getX(), caretPos.getBottom() + (float) viewport->getViewHeight()), selecting); } void TextEditor::scrollByLines (int deltaLines) { viewport->getVerticalScrollBar().moveScrollbarInSteps (deltaLines); } bool TextEditor::scrollDown() { scrollByLines (-1); return true; } bool TextEditor::scrollUp() { scrollByLines (1); return true; } bool TextEditor::moveCaretToTop (bool selecting) { return moveCaretWithTransaction (0, selecting); } bool TextEditor::moveCaretToStartOfLine (bool selecting) { auto caretPos = getCaretRectangleFloat(); return moveCaretWithTransaction (indexAtPosition (0.0f, caretPos.getY()), selecting); } bool TextEditor::moveCaretToEnd (bool selecting) { return moveCaretWithTransaction (getTotalNumChars(), selecting); } bool TextEditor::moveCaretToEndOfLine (bool selecting) { auto caretPos = getCaretRectangleFloat(); return moveCaretWithTransaction (indexAtPosition ((float) textHolder->getWidth(), caretPos.getY()), selecting); } bool TextEditor::deleteBackwards (bool moveInWholeWordSteps) { if (moveInWholeWordSteps) moveCaretTo (findWordBreakBefore (getCaretPosition()), true); else if (selection.isEmpty() && selection.getStart() > 0) setSelection ({ selection.getEnd() - 1, selection.getEnd() }); cut(); return true; } bool TextEditor::deleteForwards (bool /*moveInWholeWordSteps*/) { if (selection.isEmpty() && selection.getStart() < getTotalNumChars()) setSelection ({ selection.getStart(), selection.getStart() + 1 }); cut(); return true; } bool TextEditor::copyToClipboard() { newTransaction(); copy(); return true; } bool TextEditor::cutToClipboard() { newTransaction(); copy(); cut(); return true; } bool TextEditor::pasteFromClipboard() { newTransaction(); paste(); return true; } bool TextEditor::selectAll() { newTransaction(); moveCaretTo (getTotalNumChars(), false); moveCaretTo (0, true); return true; } //============================================================================== void TextEditor::setEscapeAndReturnKeysConsumed (bool shouldBeConsumed) noexcept { consumeEscAndReturnKeys = shouldBeConsumed; } bool TextEditor::keyPressed (const KeyPress& key) { if (isReadOnly() && key != KeyPress ('c', ModifierKeys::commandModifier, 0) && key != KeyPress ('a', ModifierKeys::commandModifier, 0)) return false; if (! TextEditorKeyMapper::invokeKeyFunction (*this, key)) { if (key == KeyPress::returnKey) { newTransaction(); if (returnKeyStartsNewLine) { insertTextAtCaret ("\n"); } else { returnPressed(); return consumeEscAndReturnKeys; } } else if (key.isKeyCode (KeyPress::escapeKey)) { newTransaction(); moveCaretTo (getCaretPosition(), false); escapePressed(); return consumeEscAndReturnKeys; } else if (key.getTextCharacter() >= ' ' || (tabKeyUsed && (key.getTextCharacter() == '\t'))) { insertTextAtCaret (String::charToString (key.getTextCharacter())); lastTransactionTime = Time::getApproximateMillisecondCounter(); } else { return false; } } return true; } bool TextEditor::keyStateChanged (const bool isKeyDown) { if (! isKeyDown) return false; #if JUCE_WINDOWS if (KeyPress (KeyPress::F4Key, ModifierKeys::altModifier, 0).isCurrentlyDown()) return false; // We need to explicitly allow alt-F4 to pass through on Windows #endif if ((! consumeEscAndReturnKeys) && (KeyPress (KeyPress::escapeKey).isCurrentlyDown() || KeyPress (KeyPress::returnKey).isCurrentlyDown())) return false; // (overridden to avoid forwarding key events to the parent) return ! ModifierKeys::currentModifiers.isCommandDown(); } //============================================================================== void TextEditor::focusGained (FocusChangeType cause) { newTransaction(); if (selectAllTextWhenFocused) { moveCaretTo (0, false); moveCaretTo (getTotalNumChars(), true); } checkFocus(); if (cause == FocusChangeType::focusChangedByMouseClick && selectAllTextWhenFocused) wasFocused = false; postCommandMessage (TextEditorDefs::focusGainedMessageId); repaint(); updateCaretPosition(); } void TextEditor::focusLost (FocusChangeType) { newTransaction(); wasFocused = false; textHolder->stopTimer(); underlinedSections.clear(); if (auto* peer = getPeer()) peer->dismissPendingTextInput(); updateCaretPosition(); postCommandMessage (TextEditorDefs::focusLossMessageId); repaint(); } //============================================================================== void TextEditor::resized() { viewport->setBoundsInset (borderSize); viewport->setSingleStepSizes (16, roundToInt (currentFont.getHeight())); checkLayout(); if (isMultiLine()) updateCaretPosition(); else scrollToMakeSureCursorIsVisible(); } void TextEditor::handleCommandMessage (const int commandId) { Component::BailOutChecker checker (this); switch (commandId) { case TextEditorDefs::textChangeMessageId: listeners.callChecked (checker, [this] (Listener& l) { l.textEditorTextChanged (*this); }); if (! checker.shouldBailOut() && onTextChange != nullptr) onTextChange(); break; case TextEditorDefs::returnKeyMessageId: listeners.callChecked (checker, [this] (Listener& l) { l.textEditorReturnKeyPressed (*this); }); if (! checker.shouldBailOut() && onReturnKey != nullptr) onReturnKey(); break; case TextEditorDefs::escapeKeyMessageId: listeners.callChecked (checker, [this] (Listener& l) { l.textEditorEscapeKeyPressed (*this); }); if (! checker.shouldBailOut() && onEscapeKey != nullptr) onEscapeKey(); break; case TextEditorDefs::focusGainedMessageId: listeners.callChecked (checker, [this] (Listener& l) { l.textEditorFocusGained (*this); }); if (! checker.shouldBailOut() && onFocusGained != nullptr) onFocusGained(); break; case TextEditorDefs::focusLossMessageId: updateValueFromText(); listeners.callChecked (checker, [this] (Listener& l) { l.textEditorFocusLost (*this); }); if (! checker.shouldBailOut() && onFocusLost != nullptr) onFocusLost(); break; default: jassertfalse; break; } } void TextEditor::setTemporaryUnderlining (const Array>& newUnderlinedSections) { underlinedSections = newUnderlinedSections; repaint(); } //============================================================================== UndoManager* TextEditor::getUndoManager() noexcept { return readOnly ? nullptr : &undoManager; } void TextEditor::clearInternal (UndoManager* const um) { remove ({ 0, getTotalNumChars() }, um, caretPosition); } void TextEditor::insert (const String& text, int insertIndex, const Font& font, Colour colour, UndoManager* um, int caretPositionToMoveTo) { if (text.isNotEmpty()) { if (um != nullptr) { if (um->getNumActionsInCurrentTransaction() > TextEditorDefs::maxActionsPerTransaction) newTransaction(); um->perform (new InsertAction (*this, text, insertIndex, font, colour, caretPosition, caretPositionToMoveTo)); } else { repaintText ({ insertIndex, getTotalNumChars() }); // must do this before and after changing the data, in case // a line gets moved due to word wrap int index = 0; int nextIndex = 0; for (int i = 0; i < sections.size(); ++i) { nextIndex = index + sections.getUnchecked (i)->getTotalLength(); if (insertIndex == index) { sections.insert (i, new UniformTextSection (text, font, colour, passwordCharacter)); break; } if (insertIndex > index && insertIndex < nextIndex) { splitSection (i, insertIndex - index); sections.insert (i + 1, new UniformTextSection (text, font, colour, passwordCharacter)); break; } index = nextIndex; } if (nextIndex == insertIndex) sections.add (new UniformTextSection (text, font, colour, passwordCharacter)); coalesceSimilarSections(); totalNumChars = -1; valueTextNeedsUpdating = true; checkLayout(); moveCaretTo (caretPositionToMoveTo, false); repaintText ({ insertIndex, getTotalNumChars() }); } } } void TextEditor::reinsert (int insertIndex, const OwnedArray& sectionsToInsert) { int index = 0; int nextIndex = 0; for (int i = 0; i < sections.size(); ++i) { nextIndex = index + sections.getUnchecked (i)->getTotalLength(); if (insertIndex == index) { for (int j = sectionsToInsert.size(); --j >= 0;) sections.insert (i, new UniformTextSection (*sectionsToInsert.getUnchecked(j))); break; } if (insertIndex > index && insertIndex < nextIndex) { splitSection (i, insertIndex - index); for (int j = sectionsToInsert.size(); --j >= 0;) sections.insert (i + 1, new UniformTextSection (*sectionsToInsert.getUnchecked(j))); break; } index = nextIndex; } if (nextIndex == insertIndex) for (auto* s : sectionsToInsert) sections.add (new UniformTextSection (*s)); coalesceSimilarSections(); totalNumChars = -1; valueTextNeedsUpdating = true; } void TextEditor::remove (Range range, UndoManager* const um, const int caretPositionToMoveTo) { if (! range.isEmpty()) { int index = 0; for (int i = 0; i < sections.size(); ++i) { auto nextIndex = index + sections.getUnchecked(i)->getTotalLength(); if (range.getStart() > index && range.getStart() < nextIndex) { splitSection (i, range.getStart() - index); --i; } else if (range.getEnd() > index && range.getEnd() < nextIndex) { splitSection (i, range.getEnd() - index); --i; } else { index = nextIndex; if (index > range.getEnd()) break; } } index = 0; if (um != nullptr) { Array removedSections; for (auto* section : sections) { if (range.getEnd() <= range.getStart()) break; auto nextIndex = index + section->getTotalLength(); if (range.getStart() <= index && range.getEnd() >= nextIndex) removedSections.add (new UniformTextSection (*section)); index = nextIndex; } if (um->getNumActionsInCurrentTransaction() > TextEditorDefs::maxActionsPerTransaction) newTransaction(); um->perform (new RemoveAction (*this, range, caretPosition, caretPositionToMoveTo, removedSections)); } else { auto remainingRange = range; for (int i = 0; i < sections.size(); ++i) { auto* section = sections.getUnchecked (i); auto nextIndex = index + section->getTotalLength(); if (remainingRange.getStart() <= index && remainingRange.getEnd() >= nextIndex) { sections.remove (i); remainingRange.setEnd (remainingRange.getEnd() - (nextIndex - index)); if (remainingRange.isEmpty()) break; --i; } else { index = nextIndex; } } coalesceSimilarSections(); totalNumChars = -1; valueTextNeedsUpdating = true; checkLayout(); moveCaretTo (caretPositionToMoveTo, false); repaintText ({ range.getStart(), getTotalNumChars() }); } } } //============================================================================== String TextEditor::getText() const { MemoryOutputStream mo; mo.preallocate ((size_t) getTotalNumChars()); for (auto* s : sections) s->appendAllText (mo); return mo.toUTF8(); } String TextEditor::getTextInRange (const Range& range) const { if (range.isEmpty()) return {}; MemoryOutputStream mo; mo.preallocate ((size_t) jmin (getTotalNumChars(), range.getLength())); int index = 0; for (auto* s : sections) { auto nextIndex = index + s->getTotalLength(); if (range.getStart() < nextIndex) { if (range.getEnd() <= index) break; s->appendSubstring (mo, range - index); } index = nextIndex; } return mo.toUTF8(); } String TextEditor::getHighlightedText() const { return getTextInRange (selection); } int TextEditor::getTotalNumChars() const { if (totalNumChars < 0) { totalNumChars = 0; for (auto* s : sections) totalNumChars += s->getTotalLength(); } return totalNumChars; } bool TextEditor::isEmpty() const { return getTotalNumChars() == 0; } void TextEditor::getCharPosition (int index, Point& anchor, float& lineHeight) const { if (getWordWrapWidth() <= 0) { anchor = {}; lineHeight = currentFont.getHeight(); } else { Iterator i (*this); if (sections.isEmpty()) { anchor = { i.getJustificationOffsetX (0), 0 }; lineHeight = currentFont.getHeight(); } else { i.getCharPosition (index, anchor, lineHeight); } } } int TextEditor::indexAtPosition (const float x, const float y) const { if (getWordWrapWidth() > 0) { for (Iterator i (*this); i.next();) { if (y < i.lineY + i.lineHeight) { if (y < i.lineY) return jmax (0, i.indexInText - 1); if (x <= i.atomX || i.atom->isNewLine()) return i.indexInText; if (x < i.atomRight) return i.xToIndex (x); } } } return getTotalNumChars(); } //============================================================================== int TextEditor::findWordBreakAfter (const int position) const { auto t = getTextInRange ({ position, position + 512 }); auto totalLength = t.length(); int i = 0; while (i < totalLength && CharacterFunctions::isWhitespace (t[i])) ++i; auto type = TextEditorDefs::getCharacterCategory (t[i]); while (i < totalLength && type == TextEditorDefs::getCharacterCategory (t[i])) ++i; while (i < totalLength && CharacterFunctions::isWhitespace (t[i])) ++i; return position + i; } int TextEditor::findWordBreakBefore (const int position) const { if (position <= 0) return 0; auto startOfBuffer = jmax (0, position - 512); auto t = getTextInRange ({ startOfBuffer, position }); int i = position - startOfBuffer; while (i > 0 && CharacterFunctions::isWhitespace (t [i - 1])) --i; if (i > 0) { auto type = TextEditorDefs::getCharacterCategory (t [i - 1]); while (i > 0 && type == TextEditorDefs::getCharacterCategory (t [i - 1])) --i; } jassert (startOfBuffer + i >= 0); return startOfBuffer + i; } //============================================================================== void TextEditor::splitSection (const int sectionIndex, const int charToSplitAt) { jassert (sections[sectionIndex] != nullptr); sections.insert (sectionIndex + 1, sections.getUnchecked (sectionIndex)->split (charToSplitAt)); } void TextEditor::coalesceSimilarSections() { for (int i = 0; i < sections.size() - 1; ++i) { auto* s1 = sections.getUnchecked (i); auto* s2 = sections.getUnchecked (i + 1); if (s1->font == s2->font && s1->colour == s2->colour) { s1->append (*s2); sections.remove (i + 1); --i; } } } //============================================================================== class TextEditorAccessibilityHandler : public AccessibilityHandler { public: explicit TextEditorAccessibilityHandler (TextEditor& textEditorToWrap) : AccessibilityHandler (textEditorToWrap, textEditorToWrap.isReadOnly() ? AccessibilityRole::staticText : AccessibilityRole::editableText, {}, { std::make_unique (textEditorToWrap) }), textEditor (textEditorToWrap) { } String getHelp() const override { return textEditor.getTooltip(); } private: class TextEditorTextInterface : public AccessibilityTextInterface { public: explicit TextEditorTextInterface (TextEditor& editor) : textEditor (editor) { } bool isDisplayingProtectedText() const override { return textEditor.getPasswordCharacter() != 0; } bool isReadOnly() const override { return textEditor.isReadOnly(); } int getTotalNumCharacters() const override { return textEditor.getText().length(); } Range getSelection() const override { return textEditor.getHighlightedRegion(); } void setSelection (Range r) override { if (r.isEmpty()) textEditor.setCaretPosition (r.getStart()); else textEditor.setHighlightedRegion (r); } String getText (Range r) const override { if (isDisplayingProtectedText()) return String::repeatedString (String::charToString (textEditor.getPasswordCharacter()), getTotalNumCharacters()); return textEditor.getTextInRange (r); } void setText (const String& newText) override { textEditor.setText (newText); } int getTextInsertionOffset() const override { return textEditor.getCaretPosition(); } RectangleList getTextBounds (Range textRange) const override { auto localRects = textEditor.getTextBounds (textRange); RectangleList globalRects; std::for_each (localRects.begin(), localRects.end(), [&] (const Rectangle& r) { globalRects.add (textEditor.localAreaToGlobal (r)); }); return globalRects; } int getOffsetAtPoint (Point point) const override { auto localPoint = textEditor.getLocalPoint (nullptr, point); return textEditor.getTextIndexAt (localPoint.x, localPoint.y); } private: TextEditor& textEditor; //============================================================================== JUCE_DECLARE_NON_COPYABLE_WITH_LEAK_DETECTOR (TextEditorTextInterface) }; TextEditor& textEditor; //============================================================================== JUCE_DECLARE_NON_COPYABLE_WITH_LEAK_DETECTOR (TextEditorAccessibilityHandler) }; std::unique_ptr TextEditor::createAccessibilityHandler() { return std::make_unique (*this); } } // namespace juce