About tabbed component!

Hello, I’m learning how to use tabbed component. I saw an example of tabbed component in an article, which helped me a lot, but there was a problem that bothered me and I didn’t know how to solve it. I need to use the array values I defined in maincontentcomponent to set the setselectedId() of combobox defined in sliderholder(). However, I couldn’t get the array of maincontentcomponent in sliderholder(). How can I solve this problem?
This is my example

class MainContentComponent   : public Component
    MainContentComponent() : tabs (TabbedButtonBar::Orientation::TabsAtTop)
        addAndMakeVisible (tabs);
        tabs.addTab ("Blank", Colours::hotpink, new Component(), true);
        tabs.addTab ("Slider", findColour(ResizableWindow::ColourIds::backgroundColourId), new SliderHolder(), true);
        setSize (600, 400);

    ~MainContentComponent() {}
    void paint (Graphics&) override {}
    void resized() override
        tabs.setBounds (getLocalBounds().reduced (20));

    TabbedComponent tabs;
    char Data1[6]{1,2,3,4,5,6};

    struct SliderHolder    : public Component
            addAndMakeVisible (slider);
             for (int i = 0; i < 128; ++i)
		    Fad_CCbox.addItem((String)i, i + 1);
       void SliderHolder ::visibilityChanged()
			if (isVisible() )
                // How to call the data of array defined in maincontentcomponent in setselectedid() of drop-down list?
				//MainContentComponent *msg;
                //In this way, the sub call cannot get the data of maincontentcomponent
        void resized() override
            slider.centreWithSize (getWidth() - 40, 150);

        ComboBox Fad_CCbox;
        Slider slider;
