Android file picker file type mystery

JUCE v7.o.9
Tiramisu Android 13.0, API 33

if I use the code that projuser creates to select audio files:

        if (btn == &chooseFileButton && fileChooser.get() == nullptr)
            if (! RuntimePermissions::isGranted (RuntimePermissions::readExternalStorage))
                SafePointer<AudioPlaybackDemo> safeThis (this);
                RuntimePermissions::request (RuntimePermissions::readExternalStorage,
                                             [safeThis] (bool granted) mutable
                                                 if (safeThis != nullptr && granted)
                                                     safeThis->buttonClicked (&safeThis->chooseFileButton);

            if (FileChooser::isPlatformDialogAvailable())
                fileChooser = std::make_unique<FileChooser> ("Select an audio file...", File(), "*.wav;*.flac;*.aif");

                fileChooser->launchAsync (FileBrowserComponent::openMode | FileBrowserComponent::canSelectFiles,
                                          [this] (const FileChooser& fc) mutable
                                              if (fc.getURLResults().size() > 0)
                                                  auto u = fc.getURLResult();

                                                  showAudioResource (std::move (u));

                                              fileChooser = nullptr;
                                          }, nullptr);
                NativeMessageBox::showAsync (MessageBoxOptions()
                                               .withIconType (MessageBoxIconType::WarningIcon)
                                               .withTitle ("Enable Code Signing")
                                               .withMessage ("You need to enable code-signing for your iOS project and enable \"iCloud Documents\" "
                                                             "permissions to be able to open audio files on your iDevice. See: "

then I can’t select any files at all.

But if I change it to

        if (btn == &chooseFileButton && fileChooser.get() == nullptr)
            if (! RuntimePermissions::isGranted (RuntimePermissions::readExternalStorage))
                SafePointer<AudioPlaybackDemo> safeThis (this);
                RuntimePermissions::request (RuntimePermissions::readExternalStorage,
                                             [safeThis] (bool granted) mutable
                                                 if (safeThis != nullptr && granted)
                                                     safeThis->buttonClicked (&safeThis->chooseFileButton);

            if (FileChooser::isPlatformDialogAvailable())
                fileChooser = std::make_unique<FileChooser> ("Select an audio file...", File(), "*.*");

                fileChooser->launchAsync (FileBrowserComponent::openMode | FileBrowserComponent::canSelectFiles,
                                          [this] (const FileChooser& fc) mutable
                                              if (fc.getURLResults().size() > 0)
                                                  auto u = fc.getURLResult();

                                                  showAudioResource (std::move (u));

                                              fileChooser = nullptr;
                                          }, nullptr);
                NativeMessageBox::showAsync (MessageBoxOptions()
                                               .withIconType (MessageBoxIconType::WarningIcon)
                                               .withTitle ("Enable Code Signing")
                                               .withMessage ("You need to enable code-signing for your iOS project and enable \"iCloud Documents\" "
                                                             "permissions to be able to open audio files on your iDevice. See: "

(Note the file filters are changed from “.wav;.flac;.aif" to ".*”)

Then I can select all types of files!

Why is that ? What is wrong. What can I do to solve the “problem”?
