AudioThumbnail and AudioSampleBuffer

Is it possible to use AudioThumbnail to display data from an AudioSampleBuffer?


Not in its current form. It could be altered to take data from other sources, but at the moment it’s really geared towards files.

ok. I think I’ll cobble together a new version for now. My needs actually require that I be able to draw pieces of the waveform in a different order (ie. sliced), or even backwards.

Has the answer to this question changed for JUCE v4.3.0?

You can use AudioThumbnail::reset() and AudioThumbnail::addBlock()


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I have however found that the AudioThumbnail drawn differs between the setSource and addBlock methods…

void CWaveformWindow::setFile (const File& file, AudioSampleBuffer* pBuffer)
m_Thumbnail.reset (pBuffer->getNumChannels(), m_pParent->getSampleRate(), pBuffer->getNumSamples());
m_Thumbnail.addBlock (0, *pBuffer, 0, pBuffer->getNumSamples());


void CWaveformWindow::setFile (const File& file, AudioSampleBuffer* pBuffer)
m_Thumbnail.setSource (new FileInputSource (file));

I’ll try and make time tomorrow to track down the difference.



Look like the number of samples taken as a block is smaller in the second image

samplesPerThumbSample is 256 for both methods.

The data length is the same for both methods as well…



I’ll get back to checking this out later tonight.



I suspect it has something to do with the timeToThumbSampleFactor in AudioThumbnail::refillCache() but haven’t quite figured it out yet…


sorry to revive this, but has it been addressed or is there a solution to get the same thumbnails in both cases?