Thanks for your replies,
Programming is indeed challenging but fun.

That nice code Xeniakos posted gets the chord values but it’s still hard for me to see how to dynamically create pointers to all the values in the audioprocessor class .

Just thinking aloud can I just somehow employ BOOST and have a button in the GUI that loads an xml file and parses it to populate the 2d std:vector ?
I have the boost file working standalone.

I see other folks have used BOOST

I would assume it’s possible for a callback in the GUI to start a process of overwriting the std:vector member in the audioprocessor class .
Is that idea too naughty ?
The thing is that none of this stuff needs to happen while the audio thread is running . You just need to be able to create chord sequences and load em up and play them with the midi callbacks.
Shouldn’t it be relatively easy for a JUCE plugin to at least run some C++ code pretty much in the background ?