BR: JUCE can not draw really long lines on Windows

BR: JUCE can not draw really long lines on Windows. Works fine on macOS.

    g.fillAll (getLookAndFeel().findColour (juce::ResizableWindow::backgroundColourId));

    g.setColour (juce::Colours::white);

    juce::Path p;
    p.addLineSegment (juce::Line<float>(-86368088.0f, 100.0000000f, 169523792.0f, 1.00000000f), 1.0f);

    g.strokePath (p, juce::PathStrokeType(1));

Output. It goes all crazy and draws a bunch of lines.

Use case: I have a curve editor that the user can zoom in / out, if they zoom way in, drawing goes haywire.

Code to reproduce:

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Thanks for reporting, that’s fixed here: