Bug/weird error in juce::Array

The following snippet results in a compile time error in xcode:

//snippet from header file
enum class EnumType
    A, B, C, END_OF_LIST,

//later, inside the juce::VariantConverter<std::array<EnumType, ...>::fromVar(v) function:
std::array<Type, static_cast<size_t>(Type::END_OF_LIST)> arr1;

//v is the function argument of `juce::VariantConverter<>::fromVar()`
auto mb = *v.getBinaryData();
auto arr2 = juce::Array<EnumType>(mb.getData(), mb.getSize() / sizeof(EnumType) );

jassert( arr1.size() == arr2.size() );
for( size_t i = 0; i < arr1.size(); ++i )
    arr1[i] = arr2[i];   ///<<<<<<<< ## ERROR: Arithmetic on a pointer to void 

Discovered while trying to serialize an std::array<EnumType> to/from juce::var using juce::VariantConverter<>

The error is caused by this function, in juce::Array:

    template <typename TypeToCreateFrom>
    Array (const TypeToCreateFrom* data, int numValues)
        values.addArray (data, numValues);

when mb.getData() is not cast, TypeToCreateFrom is deduced to be void*, because that is what MemoryBlock::getData() returns.

ArrayBase::addArray also doesn’t cast:

   template <typename Type>
    void addArray (const Type* elementsToAdd, int numElementsToAdd)
        ensureAllocatedSize (numUsed + numElementsToAdd);
        addArrayInternal (elementsToAdd, numElementsToAdd);
        numUsed += numElementsToAdd;

Type is treated again as void*.

Finally, addArrayInternal also does not cast:

    template <typename Type>
    void addArrayInternal (const Type* otherElements, int numElements)
        if constexpr (isTriviallyCopyable && std::is_same_v<Type, ElementType>)
            if (numElements > 0)
                memcpy (elements + numUsed, otherElements, (size_t) numElements * sizeof (ElementType));
            auto* start = elements + numUsed;

            while (--numElements >= 0)
                new (start++) ElementType (*(otherElements++));

Type is still void* here.

I’m not sure if this is a bug in this particular constructor of juce::Array, but the solution is to cast mb.getData() to the type needed.