Change Point<int> broke FakeMouseMoveGenerator

On FAkeMouseMoveGenerator:

// workaround for carbon windows not getting mouse-moves..

        const Point<int> screenPos (Desktop::getInstance().getMainMouseSource().getScreenPosition());

That breaks the build i change it to:

// workaround for carbon windows not getting mouse-moves..

        const Point<int> screenPos (Desktop::getInstance().getMainMouseSource().getScreenPosition().roundToInt());

Seemed to work.. didnt did further tests.

Cheers Jules

Ah, thanks - I didn't realise I hadn't tried compiling that. Should be fixed now!

Loading the Audio Plugin Demo in Xcode, I still get a build error for line 51:

if (Component* const comp = Desktop::getInstance().findComponentAt (screenPos))

No viable conversion to const Point<float> to Point<int>

The suggestion from Bernard Shaw is a viable work around if you set screenPos and lastScreenPos back to Point<int>.

Sorry.. I thought I had tested the plugin build, but just realised I was testing an out-of-date version of it, doh! Should be ok now.

Thanks, confirmed working for me.