Change the MidiBuffer Output from Code?

I tried to follow that but juce_StandaloneFilterApp.cpp file does not appear to exist anymore, the JUCE structure must have changed in the last 5 years?

I found juce_StandaloneFilterApp.cpp in an older version of JUCE so I tried to use that file and follow the procedure but when I try to build I get:

2>include_juce_audio_plugin_client_Standalone.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "class juce::JUCEApplicationBase * __cdecl juce_CreateApplication(void)" (?juce_CreateApplication@@YAPEAVJUCEApplicationBase@juce@@XZ) referenced in function WinMain
2>C:\Users\spiff\OneDrive\Documents\Coding\Juce-Test\Custom_Options_Menu\Builds\VisualStudio2022\x64\Debug\Standalone Plugin\\Custom_Options_Menu.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals

Not exactly sure what that means?