ChildProcess broken on MacOS?

Ah sorry @ed95 I totally missed that ActiveProcess was a private class of the ChildProcess - continue as you were :slight_smile:

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OK, the first issue should be fixed with this commit. I cant reproduce the second problem though so if you could provide a minimal example that would help speed things up!

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Problem 2 still occurs as of 6f4d212

I’m calling ImageMagick, installed via:
brew install magick

StringArray arguments;
juce::ChildProcess p;
p.start (arguments);
String result = p.readAllProcessOutput ();

Result is an empty string, regardless of PDF file size. (tried 26KiB - 1GiB)

However if the PDF file does not exist at specified path, the result string correctly contains a message “no such file…”

Would it be possible for the developers to look into this issue?

Or is it unlikely to be fixed?

I’ve just installed imagemagick via homebrew and running /usr/local/bin/magick identify on a .pdf file from the terminal doesn’t print any output either…

I’m having the same spurious issue (this is juce6), in some cases the exit code of the child is reported as 0 even if in reality the command failed with exit code 1. Also i miss some output, i think it comes from stderr (i spawn childprocess asking for both stdout and stderr). Any more investigations have been done here?