Component::createComponentSnapshot() returns black image if OpenGL context attached

Component::createComponentSnapshot() returns black image if OpenGL context attached.

  1. Painting a Component uses a cached image if available:
void Component::paintWithinParentContext (Graphics& g)
    g.setOrigin (getPosition());

    if (cachedImage != nullptr)
        cachedImage->paint (g);
        paintEntireComponent (g, false);
  1. OpenGLContext::CachedImage::paint() doesn’t do anything
    void paint (Graphics&) override
        updateViewportSize (false);

Sometimes this works, if you detach and then reattach the context it works, not sure why yet.

Update: attach / unattach is an unrelated issue, I call getTopLevelComponent () to attach OpenGL. In my constructor that just returns my editor component. At runtime it returns StandalonefilterWindow. So calling createComponentSnapshot on a component using OpenGL works, but if any of the child components have OpenGL enabled, those child components appear as black.

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