Direct2D preview branch

Hi @matt

As far as getPhysicalPixelScaleFactor(), could you provide an example of a visible rendering difference between the software renderer and the Direct2D renderer?

I am a bit confused right now: I tried to build an example with a simple image but now I cannot get anything else than a black image with this branch, even when changing renderer.
I’d prefer to leave this at that to avoid confusion.
I would love to try the last modifications but it looks like they will not make it into the Direct2D branch before Juce8?

I think I also have that issue with setBufferedToImage still, but I did not try to reproduce it in a simple demo code.

Regarding getPhysicalPixelScaleFactor, my use case is simple: I need to generate complex images and cache them, and keep them till the scale changes. The image also requires the correct final scale, and this is all done in the paint method.

The gradient I was referring to in my example is derived from the code provided by Dave96 here: