FileChooserDialogBox save button

I’m using the FileChooserDialogBox as a ‘save as’ dialog, and I noticed that the save button only becomes available when a file is selected in the chooser window, but incorrectly stays unavailable if a file name is typed in (IE you are creating not overwriting a file).

On a side note, I’m noticing that the FileChooserDialogBox components are really slow on some systems. Is anyone else seeing this?

i’ve not noticed the button problem, but i’ll prefer niall’s PhilChooser all the time. far faster on all systems and tweakable as hell :wink:

Damn… I think to get it to update the button should just be a case of changing this method in juce_FileBrowserComponent.cpp:

void FileBrowserComponent::textEditorTextChanged (TextEditor&) { selectionChanged(); }

The slowness is a bit worrying - any clues as to the kind of system that’s struggling? Is it a network drive, or something?

…no, sorry, I didn’t think that fix through… Try this instead:

[code]void FileBrowserComponent::textEditorTextChanged (TextEditor&)
if (mode == saveFileMode)
ComponentDeletionWatcher deletionWatcher (this);

    for (int i = listeners.size(); --i >= 0;)
        ((FileBrowserListener*) listeners.getUnchecked (i))->selectionChanged();

        if (deletionWatcher.hasBeenDeleted())

        i = jmin (i, listeners.size() - 1);


I’ll try that fix tomorrow.

On the slowness:

I’ve just had a possible thought. I can’t verify this as I’m not near one of the machines that performs slowly, but it might be related to machines that have floppy drives.

It takes about 6 seconds for the file chooser dialog to show, then around 2 seconds for a directory change.

The directory change bit is throwing me though, as this shouldn’t really be affected by the presence of a floppy drive, or network drive. :?

Six seconds is crazy…

I don’t have anything with a floppy drive in it these days, but looking through the code, there’s a chance that it could glitch while it looks up the names of the root drives. Try this instead, at about line 438 of juce_FileBrowserComponent.cpp:

[code] for (int i = 0; i < roots.size(); ++i)
const File* const drive = roots.getUnchecked(i);

    String name (drive->getFullPathName());
    rootPaths.add (name);

    if (drive->isOnHardDisk())
        String volume (drive->getVolumeLabel());

        if (volume.isEmpty())
            volume = T("Hard Drive");

        name << T(" [") << drive->getVolumeLabel() << T(']');
    else if (drive->isOnCDRomDrive())
        name << T(" [CD/DVD drive]");

    rootNames.add (name);


With this code it won’t try to look-up the name of any volume that’s not a hard-drive.

Thanks Jules. Both fixes worked great.

I modified the first fix to also deal with loading files. I imagine you’ve already something like this, but for anyone else reading this thread before the next JUCE release:

void FileBrowserComponent::textEditorTextChanged (TextEditor&)
	if ((mode == saveFileMode) || 
		((mode == loadFileMode) && (getCurrentFile().existsAsFile())))
		ComponentDeletionWatcher deletionWatcher (this);
		for (int i = listeners.size(); --i >= 0;)
			((FileBrowserListener*) listeners.getUnchecked (i))->selectionChanged();
			if (deletionWatcher.hasBeenDeleted()) return;
			i = jmin (i, listeners.size() - 1);

Ideally I’d change this code so that the choose button disables as well for loadFileMode if the text is not a valid file. Currently ocne it enables, it stays enabled. The list select handler should also clear the text box when a directory is clicked (and cause a corresponding disable button event). I’l l take a look at that after lunch.

The dialog box performance now seems to be what I’d expect on all machines I’ve tested on, so I guess it was the root building that was taking so long. Odd that the floppy drive never grunted though.

hmm - not sure about your change, because it won’t send a change message when you alter the text from a real file to a non-existent one. Probably better to lose the ‘if’ statement altogether and just do:

void FileBrowserComponent::textEditorTextChanged (TextEditor&) { ComponentDeletionWatcher deletionWatcher (this); for (int i = listeners.size(); --i >= 0;) { ((FileBrowserListener*) listeners.getUnchecked (i))->selectionChanged(); if (deletionWatcher.hasBeenDeleted()) return; i = jmin (i, listeners.size() - 1); } }

hmm - selectionChanged() seemed to be always setting the button enabled, which is why I threw in the exists()

I might have been missing something though.

Seems to work ok for me - the button gets enabled/disabled correctly as you type.