[FR] Add IPP support for FFT

Well, I sure hope there’s no problems there. Will update when I try to make a UB build

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I have been looking at getting a Mini with an M1 for testing… ahhh, Apple… grrrr

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Well, not really. In case you build a UB plugin, all the libraries you link against need to be UB too, even if your code only accesses e.g. IPP calls when being compiled for x86_64. It will still build an link but throw a lot of warnings, which you obviously don’t want if you care about warning free builds. I googled a lot but found no way of linking a certain library to one slice of your universal binary only.

My solution to this was building an empty dummy library for arm64 and using the lipo tool to merge all the required ipp libraries with the empty arm library. This works well and silences all the linker warnings. Please let me know if you found an easier way to achieve this :grin: