FR: could FloatVectorOperations::findMinimum return the index of the min element as well?

The FloatVectorOperations class is insanely useful and convenient! One request I have is that it would be amazing if the findMinimum and findMaximum functions could return not only the actual min/max values, but the indices in the vectors at which these values are found.

if JUCE_USE_VDSP framework is enabled, it’s easy enough to do with the vDSP functions vDSP_minvi and vDSP_minviD, but it would be awesome if this could all be wrapped in one nice cross-platform function call instead of having to use preprocessor conditionals and writing alternate code in case vDSP can’t be used:

template<typename SampleType>
int PitchDetector<SampleType>::indexOfMinElement (const SampleType* data, const int dataSize)
    SampleType min = data[0];
    int minIndex = 0;
    for (int n = 1; n < dataSize; ++n)
        const SampleType current = data[n];
        if (current < min)
            min = current;
            minIndex = n;
    vDSP_minvi (data, 1, &min, (vDSP_Length *)&minIndex, dataSize);
    vDSP_minviD(data, 1, &min, (vDSP_Length *)&minIndex, dataSize);
    return minIndex;

just my two cents. thanks!