
I 100% agree with you. I hate git since first day, it’s not made for developers, but for hackers. You never really understand what is going on. You apply some cooking recipes, but it’s still cooking recipes, nothing clear.

The 655 modified files are due to CR-LF issue with git (remember, git is made by unix hacker, and they have probably never (want to) deal with CR-LF). Put back the “auto-crlf” false in the git config, and magically, everything start working again.

I won’t bash git for this, the revision number can be entered as anything, so “c1f4” would probably have worked to. In fact, git does search the prefix of what you’ve entered, and tells you about conflicts.
Remember: there is 10 kinds of people on earth, those who count in binary, and those who don’t. I don’t think I’m in the first case, but git hacker probably are.

when i type
git commit -a
i get some kind of editor, asking me to write a commit message, but the editor is unresponsive or just messes up the text in a wierd way…

any tips regarding how to use this?
(here i clone again…)

Probably the editor is vi
Press i (to go in insert mode), type some text.
Then press Esc and ‘:’, ‘w’, ‘q’

I usually do a git commit -a -m “message”, rather than going near the editor.