How can I get notified when the Screen resolution changes?

How can I get notified when the Screen resolution changes? E.g. from 1024x768 to 1280x768 and my app should react to that?

i don’t know if juce has anything to help there.

in windows you can detect such a change by responding to a WM_DISPLAYCHANGE message in the WindowProc function, so i guess it’s something juce would have to be enhanced with if it’s not already there.

i guess if the window is maximised, it would be automatically resized though.

It’s not got anything to do this at the moment, but actually, it’d make a good addition…

It's been a little while wink since these posts. Has anything been added to Juce yet to detect when the screen resolution changes? I tried the Juce demo app, and while maximized it does not adjust when the screen resolution changes.

This is using Juce 3.1.1 (although ChangeList.txt says 3.1.2), on a Mac running OSX 10.9.5.


My reply here:


Tells you how you can do it OSX and Windows without modifying JUCE. I'm not sure of other platforms. It would however be a nice addition to JUCE (poke poke, Jules).