How to get bounds of Slider child

Hey All,
I have a vertical slider with the included textbox placed above it. I need to get the bounding rectangle of the actual bar/slider portion of the slider. So far I have failed to find a good method of doing so. Can anyone provide some suggestions on how to do this?

This information must come from the LookAndFeel. Did you try the getSliderLayout() method?

auto layout = slider.getLookAndFeel().getSliderLayout();

// will draw a frame around the slider part without the textbox:
g.drawRect (layout.sliderBounds, 1.0f); 
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For me its a slightly different syntax:

auto layout = getLookAndFeel().getSliderLayout(gainSlider);

This method gives the right size but not the right position. I’m using flex-box to layout my components and that seems to be make the positioning incorrect for some reason.

I can’t get flex-box to play nicely with the look and feel bounds, but I have come up with a simple enough workaround. Will try to simplify further later.

auto componentBounds = gainSlider.getBounds();
auto childBounds = getLookAndFeel().getSliderLayout(gainSlider).sliderBounds;
auto offset = componentBounds.getTopLeft();
g.drawRect(childBounds.translated(offset.getX(), offset.getY()));

Yes, after posting I realised you need to convert the coordinates to the slider’s parent coordinates.

You can use

auto componentBounds = gainSlider.getBounds();
auto childBounds = getLookAndFeel().getSliderLayout(gainSlider).sliderBounds;
auto bounds = getLocalArea (&slider, childBounds);


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Oh thats perfect! Thanks for that!