How to use URL-class and self-signed certificates


how can I use URL-class for a connection to a server with a self-signed certificate? Is there any chance to switch off the verification?

    String s_url = "";

    StringPairArray requestParam;
    requestParam.set("message", "test");

    URL src(s_url);
    src= src.withParameters(requestParam);
    String res = src.readEntireTextStream();

    std::cout << res << std::endl;



does no one have an idea?


I’m not sure if there is a good cross platform support for this, you might need to research the specifics of your platform to see how you’d wrap it cross platform into JUCE, is the issue that you’re trying to connect to a local staging server over https? – You can use http?

I asked a similar question recently…

In the end I just used http…

Using http is not an option, because I have no access to the server.

I decided to use curl lib now, but it would be perfect to use JUCE directly for that.
