Issue with default Slider since Juce 5

Since JUCE 5 the default slider looks weird to me when selecting “text box above” in the Projucer:


Using the old LookAndFeel_V3() instead of the default LookAndFeel_V4() makes the slider look the way it should, I guess:


Am I misunderstanding something about the slider, since no one has mentioned this before?

Hmmm this seems very odd to me. No one has reported something like this before. Any special transformations that your code may be using?

Nothing special I’m aware of. And this can also be seen in the GUI editor of the Projucer, so my code shouldn’t matter I guess. Simply creating such a slider in the GUI editor leads to this:

OK, wow! This is indeed a bug. Not sure how this went unnoticed for so long. I’ll have a look…

Thanks for reporting. This is now fixed on develop with commit da30211.
