JUCE 6.1. broke NativeMessageBox

I’m having a possibly related issue in Windows with modal dialogs, first noticed it with JUCE 6.1.2 and still having it now with 6.1.4.

This is in a standalone app on Windows 10. In different places, I’m using both NativeMessageBox::showYesNoBox and NativeMessageBox::showMessageBox, and have JUCE_MODAL_LOOPS_PERMITTED=1 in my preprocessor definitions.

What happens is, when one of these is triggered, the spinning blue circle cursor appears, and the main window de-focuses and becomes unresponsive. But the dialog box does not appear. If I wiggle the mouse, the cursor reverts to the regular pointer, but the app remains unresponsive. At first I thought it had crashed…

But actually, pressing the Alt-Tab keyboard shortcut (to show the system’s “switcher” view of all open windows) reveals the missing dialog box in its preview window, and then when when exiting the switcher, the missing dialog suddenly appears where it was supposed to be in the first place. From there, the dialog box and the app function normally (and the dialog box behaves modally, blocking input to the rest of the app until dismissed).

Can anyone else reproduce this on Windows with a standalone app?

Further details: when calling showMessageBox, I’m leaving the associatedComponent parameter as nullptr. And when calling showYesNoBox, the ModalComponentManager::Callback parameter is left as nullptr as well, so it is being called synchronously/modally.