What audio-related features would you like to see, out of interest?

MIDI 2.0 Device and MIDI 2.0 UMP support.

I actually went to the JUCE booth at NAMM (Saji (@saji8k) on Threads) and they told me that MIDI 2.0 device and ump support would be in the first public preview of Juce 8 that they said was coming in Q1 of this year. MIDI 2.0 is suspiciously missing from the press release in the OP so that is cause for concern.

We’re going to wait for Windows before we add device support to JUCE. Delivering something now that we then might have to reconfigure to conform to how things work in Windows would be double the work for the JUCE team, and disruptive to everyone already using the new functionality. (Nov 2023)

Pete Brown from Microsoft gave a public demo of Cubase on Windows recording from a Roland MIDI 2.0 keyboard already available on the market using the Windows MIDI Service API code available on Github. You can see a video of it here: Saji (@saji8k) on Threads . I also was able to try out Windows multi-client support myself on a side demo at the MIDI booth.

I would counter that now is the best time to deliver something. If you do encounter missing features or issues in the Windows API, compared to the already final macOS/iOS/Android/Linux MIDI 2.0 APIs, you can get these fixed now by Pete and his team, before the code is frozen and deployed to a billion Windows devices.