Juce URL

i’ve found the URL class to be a little restricting on the URL valid character pattern. from the url-spec RFC it seems that only puntuaction, national and reserved characters should be converted to hexadecimal, all the others are safe to have as GET parameters:

thiese characters should be blocked:
national = { } | \ ^ ~ [ ] `
punctuation = < > # % "
reserved = ; / ? : @ & =

these can pass safely:
safe = $ - _ . +
extra = ! * ’ ( ) ,

so probably this should be rewritten as:

static const String addEscapeChars (const String& s)
    String result;
    const int len = s.length();
    result.preallocateStorage (len + 8);

    for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i)
        const tchar c = s[i];

        if (c == T(' '))
            result += T('+');
        else if (CharacterFunctions::isLetterOrDigit (c)
                  || c == T('$')
                  || c == T('-')
                  || c == T('_')
                  || c == T('.')
                  || c == T('+')
                  || c == T('!')
                  || c == T('*')
                  || c == T('\'')
                  || c == T('(')
                  || c == T(')')
                  || c == T(','))
            result += c;
            const int v = (int) juce_tcharToWideChar (c);

            if (v < 0x10)
                result += T("%0");
                result += T('%');

            result += String::toHexString (v);

    return result;

cause using the old one with URL.withParameter it produces bad urls like this from valid parameters:




Nice one, kraken, I’ll add those extra chars. Thanks!

…although there’s a couple of strange things in your list - did you mean to remove the ‘/’?

And if you allow a ‘+’ to stay in there, it’ll get turned into a space when decoded, which is why I made it use the char code for that.

sorry that decode function is meant to be called for parameters only from ‘?’ character to the end of the url, the ‘protocol://user:pass@host:port/directory/file’ part should be converted allowing ‘/’ ‘:’ ‘@’ as usual… probably i explained badly the problem…

ok i meant to be using this:

static const String addEscapeChars (const String& s)
    String result;
    const int len = s.length();
    result.preallocateStorage (len + 8);

    for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i)
        const tchar c = s[i];

        if (c == T(' '))
            result += T('+');
        else if (CharacterFunctions::isLetterOrDigit (c)
                  || c == T('$')
                  || c == T('/')
                  || c == T('-')
                  || c == T('_')
                  || c == T('.')
                  || c == T('!')
                  || c == T('*')
                  || c == T('\'')
                  || c == T('(')
                  || c == T(')')
                  || c == T(','))
            result += c;
            const int v = (int) juce_tcharToWideChar (c);

            if (v < 0x10)
                result += T("%0");
                result += T('%');

            result += String::toHexString (v);

    return result;

but for the ‘/’ character i don’t know, from specs it should be converted to hexadecimal, cause is treated as reserved character (so used before the ? character). the + character should pass cause it is a valid char, obviously have to be converted to hex when it doesn’t mean a space…

Ok, that function is only called when parsing the parameters - so you’re almost right, but I think the ‘/’ has to be removed from the list, as leaving it in would make it look like part of the path.

I have a link which contains some % characters. I think that because of this feature mentioned above, I can’t receive a web page. I receive another web page which is different than the link points out. How can I solve the problem?

I’d have expected it to be ok if the URL is actually valid. Try stepping into the URL constructor to see what happens, and how it decomposes the string?

InputStream* URL::createInputStream (const bool usePostCommand) const
WebInputStream* wi
= (usePostCommand) ? new WebInputStream (url, getMangledParameters(), true)
: new WebInputStream (toString (true), String::empty, false);

if (wi->isError())
    delete wi;
    wi = 0;

return wi;


here, none of the % characters are taken, and some part of the url is not taken also.

Well the parameters are passed separately, right?

This might be of interest for those for those who want RFC2396 compliant parsing code

   /** The Universal Resource Location implementation. 
        This is based on http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2396.txt
    class URL
        // Type used in this class 
        /** String class to use */
        typedef ::String     String;

        // Members
        /** The scheme, also called protocol */
        String  scheme;
        /** The authority, usually called the server */
        String  authority;
        /** The path to the resource */
        String  path;
        /** The query */
        String  query;
        /** The fragment to reach */
        String  fragment;

        // Helpers
        /** Split a text based URI */
        bool splitURI(const String & inputURL);
        /** Normalize a given path */
        void normalizePath(String & pathToNormalize) const;
        // Interface
        /** Check if this URL is valid */
        inline bool isValid() { return authority.isNotEmpty(); }

        /** Construct a text from this URL 
            @param defaultScheme    The default scheme if missing */
        inline String asURI(const String & defaultScheme = "") const 
            String schemeTmp = scheme.isNotEmpty() ? scheme : defaultScheme; 
            schemeTmp += "://" + authority + ((path.isNotEmpty() && path[0] != '/') ? "/" : "") + path;
            if (query.isNotEmpty()) schemeTmp += "?" + query;
            if (fragment.isNotEmpty()) schemeTmp += "#" + fragment;
            return schemeTmp;

        /** Append path from the given path */
        inline URL appendRelativePath(String newPath) const
            URL ret(scheme, authority, "");
            // Check if new path contain a fragment or a query
            if (newPath.contains(JUCE_T("#")))
                ret.fragment = newPath.fromLastOccurrenceOf(JUCE_T("#"), false, false);
                newPath = newPath.upToLastOccurrenceOf(JUCE_T("#"), false, false);
            if (newPath.contains(JUCE_T("?")))
                ret.query = newPath.fromLastOccurrenceOf(JUCE_T("?"), false, false);
                newPath = newPath.upToLastOccurrenceOf(JUCE_T("?"), false, false);

            // Let's first normalize newPath
            // First remove any /./ in path
            newPath.replace(JUCE_T("/./"), JUCE_T("/"), false);
            // If the newPath start by /, just replace it
            if (newPath[0] == JUCE_T('/')) { ret.path = newPath; normalizePath(ret.path); return ret; } 
            // Check if this path points to a file
            int lastSlashInNewPath = newPath.lastIndexOfChar(JUCE_T('/')) + 1;
            bool isFile = newPath.indexOfChar(lastSlashInNewPath, JUCE_T('.')) != -1;

            // Need to first split the current path to trim any remaining filename
            String curPath = path;
            int lastSlash = curPath.lastIndexOfChar(JUCE_T('/'));
            if (lastSlash != -1) curPath = curPath.substring(0, lastSlash);
            // Need to count how many '../' this path contains
            // For each one, we have to go up one level in the current path
            int upPos = newPath.indexOf(JUCE_T("../"));
            while (upPos != -1)
                // Remove one level of the current path
                lastSlash = curPath.lastIndexOfChar(JUCE_T('/'));
                if (lastSlash != -1) curPath = curPath.substring(0, lastSlash);
                newPath = newPath.substring(upPos + 3, newPath.length());
                upPos = newPath.indexOf(JUCE_T("../"));

            // Then concatenate
            ret.path = curPath + (curPath.length() ? JUCE_T("/") : JUCE_T("")) + newPath;
            ret.path += (!isFile && ret.path[ret.path.length() - 1] != JUCE_T('/')) ? JUCE_T("/") : JUCE_T("");
            if (ret.path[0] != JUCE_T('/')) ret.path = "/" + ret.path;
            // Normalize any /./ in path
            return ret;

        /** Escape an URL to only allowed chars */
        static String escapedURI(const String & inputURL);

        /** Strip port information from authority and return it if known */
        inline uint16 stripPortFromAuthority(uint16 defaultPortValue) 
            int portPos = authority.lastIndexOfChar(JUCE_T(':'));
            if (portPos != -1)
                String portValue = authority.substring(portPos+1, authority.length());
                authority = authority.substring(0, portPos);
                portPos = portValue.getIntValue() ? portValue.getIntValue() : defaultPortValue;
                if (portPos < 0) portPos = 0;
                if (portPos > 65535) portPos = 65535;
                return (uint16)portPos;
            return defaultPortValue;

        // Accessor 
        /** Get the current authority */
        inline const String & getAuthority() const { return authority; }
        /** Get the current scheme */
        inline const String & getScheme() const { return scheme; }
        /** Get the current path */
        inline const String & getPath() const { return path; }
        /** Get the current query */
        inline const String & getQuery() const { return query; }
        /** Get the current fragment */
        inline const String & getFragment() const { return fragment; }

        /** Default, and invalid constructor */
        URL() {}
        /** Construct an URL from a UTF8 text */
        URL(const String & inputURL, const String & defaultScheme = "")
            if (!scheme.isNotEmpty()) scheme = defaultScheme;
        /** Construct an URL from its part */
        URL(const String & _scheme, const String & _authority, const String & _path, const String & _query = "", const String & _fragment = "")
            : scheme(_scheme), authority(_authority), path(_path), query(_query), fragment(_fragment) { }

and the code:

#include "../../include/Network/URLHandler.hpp"

namespace Network
    #define isIn(X, Y) _isIn(X, sizeof(X) / sizeof(X[0]), Y)
    inline bool _isIn(const char * array, const unsigned int len, tchar ch)
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < len; ++i)
            if (array[i] == ch) return true;
        return false;
    inline bool isHex(const char a)  {  return (a >= '0' && a <= '9') || (a >= 'a' && a <= 'f') || (a >= 'A' && a <= 'F'); }

    static const char unreserved[]     = { 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z', 
                                            'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z', 
                                            '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9',
                                            '-', '_', '.', '!', '~', '*', '\'', '(', ')' };
    static const char less_reserved[]  = { ';', ':', '@', '&', '=', '+', '$', ',' }; 
    static const char reserved[]       = { ';', '/', '?', ':', '@', '&', '=', '+', '$', ',' }; 
    URL::String URL::escapedURI(const URL::String & inputURL)
        String tmp = inputURL.trim();

        String ret;
        for (int i = 0; i < tmp.length(); i++)
            if (isIn(unreserved, tmp[i]) || isIn(less_reserved, tmp[i]) || isIn(reserved, tmp[i]) )
                ret += tmp[i];
            } else 
                ret += String::formatted(JUCE_T("%%%02x"), (unsigned char)tmp[i]);
        return ret;

    bool URL::splitURI(const URL::String & inputURL)
        // Based on http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2396.txt
        const char * input = (const char*)inputURL.toUTF8();
        const int32  length = (int32)inputURL.length();
        static const char escaped[]        = { '%', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f' };
        static const char excluded[]       = { '{', '}', '|', '\\', '^', '[', ']', '`' };     
        static const char breakScheme[]    = { ':', '/', '?', '#' };

        int i = 0;
        int scheme_e = 0, auth_s = 0, auth_e = 0, path_s = 0, path_e = 0, query_s = 0, query_e = 0, frag_s = 0, frag_e = 0; 
        int absoluteURI = 0, hier_part = 0, opaque_part = 0, net_path = 0, relativeURI = 0;
        // First loop on data, validate char and determine if URI is absolute or relative
        while (i < length)
        {   // Disallowed characters
            if (input[i] < 0x21 || (unsigned char)input[i] > 0x7F) return false;
            if (input[i] == '<' || input[i] == '>'  || input[i] == '"') return false;
            if (input[i] == '%')
                if ((i + 2 > length || !isHex(input[i+1]) || !isHex(input[i+2]))) return false;
                i+= 2; continue;
            if (isIn(excluded, input[i])) return false;

            if (!absoluteURI && isIn(breakScheme, input[i]))
                if (input[i] == ':') 
                    scheme_e = i; absoluteURI = 1; 
                    if (i + 1 < length && input[i+1] == '/') { hier_part = 1; ++i; } 
                    else if (i + 1 < length && input[i+1] != '/') { opaque_part = 1; ++i; }
                else { absoluteURI = 0; relativeURI = 1; }
                ++i; continue;
        i = 0;
        if (absoluteURI)
            if (scheme_e) i = scheme_e + 1;
            if (i+1 < length)
                if (hier_part) 
                    if (input[i+1] == '/')
                        net_path = 1; 
                        i += 2;
                        auth_s = i;
                        // Read the authority now
                        while (i < length && (isIn(unreserved, input[i]) || input[i] == '%' || isIn(less_reserved, input[i]))) ++i;
                        auth_e = i;

                    // Read the path now if any existing
                    if (i < length && input[i] == '/')
                        // Path starting 
                        path_s = i;
                        while (i < length && input[i] != '?' && input[i] != '#') ++i;
                        path_e = i;

                        // If there is a query read it 
                        if (input[i] == '?') 
                        {   query_s = i+1; 
                            while (i < length && input[i] != '#') ++i;
                            query_e = i;
                } else if (opaque_part)
                    // Read the path now
                    path_s = i;
                    while (i < length && (isIn(unreserved, input[i]) || input[i] == '%' || isIn(reserved, input[i]))) ++i;
                    path_e = i;

                    // No query to read 
                // Go to fragment parsing
        } else if (relativeURI)
            if (i+1 < length && input[i] == '/' && input[i+1] == '/') 
                net_path = 1; ++i;
                auth_s = i;
                // Read the authority now
                while (i < length && (isIn(unreserved, input[i]) || input[i] == '%' || isIn(less_reserved, input[i]))) ++i;
                auth_e = i;

                // Read the path now if any existing
                if (i < length && input[i] == '/')
                    // Path starting 
                    path_s = i;
                    while (i < length && input[i] != '?' && input[i] != '#') ++i;
                    path_e = i;

                    // If there is a query read it 
                    if (i < length && input[i] == '?')
                    {   query_s = i+1; 
                        while (i < length && input[i] != '#') ++i;
                        query_e = i;
            } else if (i < length)
                // Read the path now
                path_s = i;
                while (i < length && (isIn(unreserved, input[i]) || input[i] == '%' || isIn(reserved, input[i])) && input[i] != '?') ++i;
                path_e = i;

                if (i < length && input[i] == '?')
                {   query_s = i+1; 
                    while (i < length && input[i] != '#') ++i;
                    query_e = i;
                // Go to fragment parsing

        // Parse the fragment
        if (i < length && input[i] == '#')
            frag_s = i+1;
            frag_e = length;

        scheme      = scheme_e ? String(input, scheme_e) : "";
        authority   = auth_e ? String(&input[auth_s], auth_e - auth_s) : "";
        path        = path_e ? String(&input[path_s], path_e - path_s) : "";
        query       = query_e ? String(&input[query_s], query_e - query_s) : "";
        fragment    = frag_e ? String(&input[frag_s], frag_e - frag_s) : "";
        return true;
    #undef isIn

    void URL::normalizePath(String & pathToNormalize) const
        String outputStack;
        while (pathToNormalize.length())
            if (pathToNormalize.substring(0, 3) == JUCE_T("../")) pathToNormalize = pathToNormalize.substring(3, pathToNormalize.length());
            else if (pathToNormalize.substring(0, 2) == JUCE_T("./")) pathToNormalize = pathToNormalize.substring(2, pathToNormalize.length());
            else if (pathToNormalize.substring(0, 3) == JUCE_T("/./")) pathToNormalize = JUCE_T("/") + pathToNormalize.substring(3, pathToNormalize.length());
            else if (pathToNormalize == JUCE_T("/.")) pathToNormalize = JUCE_T("/") + pathToNormalize.substring(2, pathToNormalize.length());
            else if (pathToNormalize.substring(0, 3) == JUCE_T("/..") || pathToNormalize == JUCE_T("/../")) 
                pathToNormalize = JUCE_T("/") + pathToNormalize.substring(4, pathToNormalize.length());
                int lastSegmentPos = outputStack.lastIndexOfChar(JUCE_T('/'));
                if (lastSegmentPos != -1) outputStack = outputStack.substring(0, lastSegmentPos);
            else if (pathToNormalize.containsOnly(JUCE_T("."))) pathToNormalize = JUCE_T("");
                int firstSlash = pathToNormalize.indexOfChar(JUCE_T('/'));
                if (firstSlash == 0) firstSlash = pathToNormalize.indexOfChar(JUCE_T('/'));
                if (firstSlash == -1) { outputStack += pathToNormalize; pathToNormalize = JUCE_T(""); }
                    outputStack += pathToNormalize.substring(0, firstSlash);
                    pathToNormalize = pathToNormalize.substring(firstSlash, pathToNormalize.length());
        pathToNormalize = outputStack;


I forgot to tell, the function you’re looking for is “escapedURI”, which will escape an standard string query to RFC’s compatible URI.

Thanks for the answer jules and X-Ryl669. If the escapedURI method be a part of Juce’s URL class, I think that Juce will be more excellent.