`juce7` technical preview branch

Yes, I’m on Linux openSUSE TW. I think the bug occurs when .jucer has Plugin Channel Configuration set.
If you add {0,2} to the AudioPluginDemo with Projucer then it should be reproduced and actual input/output channels weren’t configured.

More info here:

Is there a way to patch juce_LV2_Client.cpp so that it works with ardour 6 ? I thought commenting the “return nullptr” at line 1371 should allow it to proceed since ardour is returning a valid block size, but it crashes later in the run() method while calling “ports.prepareToWrite()”.

That’s a bit annoying for me as my previous releases were using the LV2 wrapper by falktx, and used to work with ardour. Since ardour 7 is not even released I’ll be getting a ton of support issues if I switch to the new lv2 wrapper.