Label text width

Is there a simple way to measure the displayed width of the text in Label. Obviously there are many ways to do it but is there something almost as simple as:


…and height for that matter

I would do something like this:

Font f = m_MyLabel.getFont ();
int textWidth = f.getStringWidth(m_MyLabel.getText());

The height would be
int textHeight = f.getHeight();

Hope that is what you are looking for :slight_smile:

  • A

I’ve gone for:

[code]class MeasurableLabel : public Label
MeasurableLabel(const String& componentName,
const String& labelText)
: Label(componentName, labelText)

int getTextWidth()
	return getFont().getStringWidth(getText());

float getTextWidthFloat()
	return getFont().getStringWidthFloat(getText());


Thanks to martinrobinson. Alternatively as a helper class without branching off Label:

[code]#include <juce.h>

class LabelMeasure

static int getTextWidth(Label* label)
return label->getFont().getStringWidth(label->getText());

static float getTextWidthFloat(Label* label)
return label->getFont().getStringWidthFloat(label->getText());