Memory leaks in Timer's LambdaInvoker

We noticed that leak detector tends to complain during application shutdown in the midst of a Timer::callAfterDelay() call. In our case we passed a shared_ptr captured by value into the lambda function. It seemed like the shared_ptr just doesn’t get released by the time the TimerThread gets destroyed.

A closer look into juce_Timer.cpp reveals that under the hood Timer::callAfterDelay() creates a LambdaInvoker as a raw pointer and just discards it! I looked further and felt a bit assured that LambdaInvoker adds itself to TimerThread::timer. However, that vector of Timers “alive” just never seem to get properly released in ~TimerThread(), if LambdaInvoker::timerCallback has never been invoked until shutdown.

I tried changing TimerThread::~TimerThread() to the following and it seems to fix the leaks:

    ~TimerThread() override
        stopThread (4000);
        jassert (instance == this || instance == nullptr);

        while (! timers.empty())
            delete timers.back().timer;

        if (instance == this)
            instance = nullptr;

The lambdaInvoker gets deleted in its callback, if the callback is never triggered then I imagine there would be a leak. What are you using the LambdaInvoker for? I think it was probably built on the assumption that in 99.9% cases (or more) the callback would be called and the object deleted, and in the 0.1% where it’s not, the cost would be small and only happen when the application is shutting down and therefore the memory should be freed up for another application anyway. I’m not saying it couldn’t be improved but I’m interested to understand in what case it would be regularly leaking?

struct LambdaInvoker final : private Timer
    LambdaInvoker (int milliseconds, std::function<void()> f)  : function (f)
        startTimer (milliseconds);

    void timerCallback() override
        auto f = function;
        delete this;

    std::function<void()> function;


void JUCE_CALLTYPE Timer::callAfterDelay (int milliseconds, std::function<void()> f)
    new LambdaInvoker (milliseconds, f);

Oh indeed it only happens in the less critical case of leakage-during-shutdown. We have built a script engine based on Duktape into our app and binded Javascript’s setTimeout to Timer::callAfterDelay(). Now, if there’s a script that regularly calls setTimeout, it almost always triggers a memory leak during shutdown. Honestly not a big issue at all in release builds, but it’s more of a nuisance during debugging.