MemoryOutputStream::writeFromInputStream() keeps allocating memory on Windows, making it really slow

On Windows, downloading a file is very slow compared to the same code on Mac (10x). I noticed that even if I preallocate the full size, it just keeps allocating more memory here in modules\juce_core\streams\juce_MemoryOutputStream.cpp

int64 MemoryOutputStream::writeFromInputStream (InputStream& source, int64 maxNumBytesToWrite)
    // before writing from an input, see if we can preallocate to make it more efficient..
    int64 availableData = source.getTotalLength() - source.getPosition();

    if (availableData > 0)
        if (maxNumBytesToWrite > availableData || maxNumBytesToWrite < 0)
            maxNumBytesToWrite = availableData;

        if (blockToUse != nullptr)
            preallocate (blockToUse->getSize() + (size_t) maxNumBytesToWrite);

    return OutputStream::writeFromInputStream (source, maxNumBytesToWrite);

If I remove all the preallocation code from writeFromInputStream(), so it just becomes:

int64 MemoryOutputStream::writeFromInputStream (InputStream& source, int64 maxNumBytesToWrite)
    return OutputStream::writeFromInputStream (source, maxNumBytesToWrite);

Then it works fine and performance matches Mac version.

The relevant part of my code:

    auto content_length = response_headers.getValue("Content-Length", "");
    juce::int64 total_bytes = content_length.isNotEmpty() ? content_length.getLargeIntValue() : 50000000;
    auto total_size = juce::File::descriptionOfSizeInBytes(total_bytes);
    utils::log_info("Download size: " + total_size);

    double seconds {0.0};
        juce::ScopedTimeMeasurement m(seconds);
        juce::MemoryOutputStream mo(dest, true);
        while (true) {
            if (threadShouldExit()) {
                return juce::Result::fail("Cancelled");
            juce::int64 written = mo.writeFromInputStream(*inStream, 8192);
            if (written == 0) {

I am on Windows 10 Pro 20H2 (19042.630) and Visual Studio Community 2019 Version 16.8.2

We saw the same issue. We referred to the Projucer’s AutoUpdater implementation, opening the url input stream, and then looping on MemoryOutputStream::writeFromInputStream. Very slow when downloading a large file in Windows!

We derived a class to preallocate and override writeFromInputStream to avoid the reallocation code:

class FastMemoryOutputStream : public MemoryOutputStream
	FastMemoryOutputStream(MemoryBlock& memoryBlockToWriteTo, int64_t sizeBytes) : 
		MemoryOutputStream(memoryBlockToWriteTo, true)

	int64 writeFromInputStream(InputStream& source, int64 maxNumBytesToWrite) override final
		return OutputStream::writeFromInputStream(source, maxNumBytesToWrite);

Seems like this should be fixed in Juce!


Thank you for reporting this. A fix is out on develop