MIDI output from VST to DAW

I’m trying to create a MIDI step sequencer and am having some issues finding up-to-date and in the same project format for sending MIDI out to the DAW (for context, every tick, if a drum is enabled on a step, I want to send a midi out).

I have my PluginProcessor/Editor files and in the editor, I have an instance of my sequencer class which contains the step/drum information. In my sequencer class I’m as far as constructing a MidiMessage::noteOn object but don’t know how to send the message

In another post someone recommended checking out the arpeggiator (which seems to be in standalone format?) and then the MidiDemo project which again seems a different project format but also not using the processBlock stuff?

Another person recommended midiwaylo/PluginProcessor.cpp at master · seanwayland/midiwaylo · GitHub which doesn’t seem to want to compile for me and is quite old anyways.

I’ve also looked on youtube for tutorials, but they seem to be mostly midi IN, for example a soft synth but not specific to or related to MIDI out (which would be simpler for me to wrap my head around).

Has anyone got pointers, a git file, youtube vid or advice on how this can be achieved?

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The arpeggiator example app shows how to output midi notes.

I did try using the code implemented in the arpeggiator, however when I build my project and load it up in Ableton I get a ‘click’ which is the faders maxing out for some reason? Then after I trigger a ‘note’, it locks up the GUI and then Ableton crashes!

I’m not sure if i am missing something, but my plugin shouldn’t even be producing any audio as I have not actually done anything in that regard