Multiple transportSources in AudioAppComponent?

I was just about to write: simply plug them together.
But I think I know where you are struggling: A MixerAudioSource is not a PositionableAudioSource. I stumbled there a couple years back as well.

Unfortunately it means, you have to write your own PositionableMixerAudioSource yourself.
You can copy the whole MixerAudioSource, but instead:

  • inherit from PositionableAudioSource instead of AudioSource
  • change the input sources to accept only PositionableAudioSources instead of AudioSource
  • Implement the additional four abstract methods of PositionalAudioSource
    – getNextReadPosition : probably use the information from the first for a start
    – getTotalLength : probably use the information from the first for a start
    – isLooping : probably use the information from the first for a start
    – setNextReadPosition : call this for all sources

Hope that helps

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