Networking: Issue using juce::url for a get .withExtraHeaders

My logInAndFetch() function (below for reference), works as it should, returning a valid API Key just as it does when inspecting the portal on my browser.

I am quite confident about the parsing of the variable apiKey before passing it to the fetchData() function, as I have tested it in my browser when inspecting too.

void logInAndFetch ()
   juce::URL authUrl("OTHER PORTAL");
   juce::String postData = "Username=" + getUsername() + "&Password=" + getPassword();
   authUrl = authUrl.withPOSTData (postData);

   auto inputStream (authUrl.createInputStream (postOptions.withExtraHeaders("Accept: text/json")));

        if (inputStream)
            auto apiKey = inputStream->readEntireStreamAsString();
            DBG (apiKey);
            apiKey = apiKey.fromFirstOccurrenceOf ("\"apikey\":", false, true).trimCharactersAtEnd ("}");
            DBG (apiKey);
            fetchData (apiKey);
            DBG("Failed to send data to URL");
            DBG(authUrl.toString (true));

My problem happens in my fetchData() function. When I try to GET the data onto my stream variable, it is always empty. I have added a breakpoint as well, indicating stream is simply empty.

void fetchData(juce::String apiKey)
    juce::URL userInfoUrl ("SOME PORTAL");
    auto inputStream (userInfoUrl.createInputStream(getOptions.withExtraHeaders ("Authorization: apikey" + apiKey + "\n" +
                                                                                  "Accept: text/json")
    if (inputStream)
        juce::String stream = inputStream->readEntireStreamAsString();
        DBG (stream);

Is there a problem with the way I am setting the headers, for example? Any help would be appreciated. :slight_smile:

this is the original working Javascript code:

//Get info for current user
type: "GET",
url: "MY_PORTAL",
headers: {
"Authorization": "apikey " + apikey,
"Accept": "text/json"
complete: function(r) { console.log([r.status,r.responseText]); }

btw getOptions and postOptions are constants defined such as:

const juce::URL::InputStreamOptions getOptions = juce::URL::InputStreamOptions (juce::URL::ParameterHandling::inAddress);
const juce::URL::InputStreamOptions postOptions = juce::URL::InputStreamOptions (juce::URL::ParameterHandling::inPostData);

I think you should leave a space after the keyword apikey, before closing the string with the double quotes.

Yes, you are right, thank you. I managed to fix the whole thing at:

in case you are curious.

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