Point Class Clean-Up

It seems to me that the Point class is quite old… Here is a proposed updated version of it:

    A pair of (x, y) coordinates.

    The ValueType template should be a primitive type such as int, float, double,
    rather than a class.

    @see Line, Path, AffineTransform
template <typename ValueType>
class Point
    /** Creates a point at the origin */
    Point() noexcept : x(), y() {}

    /** Creates a copy of another point. */
    Point (const Point& other) noexcept : x (other.x), y (other.y)  {}

    /** Creates a point from an (x, y) position. */
    Point (ValueType initialX, ValueType initialY) noexcept : x (initialX), y (initialY) {}

    /** Returns true if the point is (0, 0). */
    bool isOrigin() const noexcept                                  { return x == ValueType() && y == ValueType(); }

    /** Returns the point's x coordinate. */
    inline ValueType getX() const noexcept                          { return x; }

    /** Returns the point's y coordinate. */
    inline ValueType getY() const noexcept                          { return y; }

    /** Sets the point's x coordinate. */
    inline void setX (ValueType newX) noexcept                      { x = newX; }

    /** Sets the point's y coordinate. */
    inline void setY (ValueType newY) noexcept                      { y = newY; }

    /** Returns a point which has the same Y position as this one, but a new X. */
    Point withX (ValueType newX) const noexcept                     { return Point (newX, y); }

    /** Returns a point which has the same X position as this one, but a new Y. */
    Point withY (ValueType newY) const noexcept                     { return Point (x, newY); }

    /** Changes the point's x and y coordinates. */
    void setXY (ValueType newX, ValueType newY) noexcept            { x = newX; y = newY; }

    /** Adds a pair of coordinates to this value. */
    void addXY (ValueType xToAdd, ValueType yToAdd) noexcept        { x += xToAdd; y += yToAdd; }

    /** Returns a point with a given offset from this one. */
    Point translated (ValueType deltaX, ValueType deltaY) const noexcept    { return Point (x + deltaX, y + deltaY); }

    /** */
    Point scaled (ValueType scale) const noexcept                           { return Point (x * scale, y + scale); }

    /** */
    Point scaled (ValueType scaleX, ValueType scaleY) const noexcept        { return Point (x * scaleX, y + scaleY); }

    /** */
    Point rotated (ValueType angleRadians) const noexcept
        return Point (x * std::cos (angleRadians) - y * std::sin (angleRadians),
                      x * std::sin (angleRadians) + y * std::cos (angleRadians));

    /** Copies this point from another one. */
    Point& operator= (const Point& other) noexcept                      { x = other.x; y = other.y; return *this; }

    inline bool operator== (Point other) const noexcept                 { return x == other.x && y == other.y; }

    inline bool operator!= (Point other) const noexcept                 { return x != other.x || y != other.y; }

    /** Adds two points together */
    Point operator+ (Point other) const noexcept                        { return Point (x + other.x, y + other.y); }

    /** Adds another point's coordinates to this one */
    Point& operator+= (Point other) noexcept                            { x += other.x; y += other.y; return *this; }

    /** Subtracts one points from another */
    Point operator- (Point other) const noexcept                        { return Point (x - other.x, y - other.y); }

    /** Subtracts another point's coordinates to this one */
    Point& operator-= (Point other) noexcept                            { x -= other.x; y -= other.y; return *this; }

    /** Multiplies two points together */
    Point operator* (Point other) const noexcept                        { return Point (x * other.x, y * other.y); }

    /** Multiplies another point's coordinates to this one */
    Point& operator*= (Point other) noexcept                            { x *= other.x; y *= other.y; return *this; }

    /** Divides one points from another */
    Point operator/ (Point other) const noexcept                        { return Point (x / other.x, y / other.y); }

    /** Divides another point's coordinates to this one */
    Point& operator/= (Point other) noexcept                            { x /= other.x; y /= other.y; return *this; }

    /** Returns a point whose coordinates are multiplied by a given value. */
    template <typename FloatType>
    Point operator* (FloatType multiplier) const noexcept               { return Point ((ValueType) (x * multiplier), (ValueType) (y * multiplier)); }

    /** Returns a point whose coordinates are divided by a given value. */
    template <typename FloatType>
    Point operator/ (FloatType divisor) const noexcept                  { return Point ((ValueType) (x / divisor), (ValueType) (y / divisor)); }

    /** Multiplies the point's coordinates by a value. */
    template <typename FloatType>
    Point& operator*= (FloatType multiplier) noexcept                   { x = (ValueType) (x * multiplier); y = (ValueType) (y * multiplier); return *this; }

    /** Divides the point's coordinates by a value. */
    template <typename FloatType>
    Point& operator/= (FloatType divisor) noexcept                      { x = (ValueType) (x / divisor); y = (ValueType) (y / divisor); return *this; }

    /** Returns the inverse of this point. */
    Point operator-() const noexcept                                    { return Point (-x, -y); }

    /** Returns the straight-line distance between this point and the origin. */
    ValueType getDistanceFromOrigin() const noexcept                    { return juce_hypot (x, y); }

    /** Returns the straight-line distance between this point and another one. */
    ValueType getDistanceFrom (Point other) const noexcept              { return juce_hypot (x - other.x, y - other.y); }

    /** This type will be double if the Point's type is double, otherwise it will be float. */
    typedef typename TypeHelpers::SmallestFloatType<ValueType>::type FloatType;

    /** Returns the angle from this point to another one.

        The return value is the number of radians clockwise from the 12 o'clock direction,
        where this point is the centre and the other point is on the circumference.
    FloatType getAngleToPoint (Point other) const noexcept
        return static_cast<FloatType> (std::atan2 (other.x - x, y - other.y));

    /** Taking this point to be the centre of a circle, this returns a point on its circumference.

        @param radius   the radius of the circle.
        @param angle    the angle of the point, in radians clockwise from the 12 o'clock position.
    Point<FloatType> getPointOnCircumference (float radius, float angle) const noexcept
        return Point<FloatType> (static_cast <FloatType> (x + radius * std::sin (angle)),
                                 static_cast <FloatType> (y - radius * std::cos (angle)));

    /** Taking this point to be the centre of an ellipse, this returns a point on its circumference.

        @param radiusX  the horizontal radius of the circle.
        @param radiusY  the vertical radius of the circle.
        @param angle    the angle of the point, in radians clockwise from the 12 o'clock position.
    Point<FloatType> getPointOnCircumference (float radiusX, float radiusY, float angle) const noexcept
        return Point<FloatType> (static_cast <FloatType> (x + radiusX * std::sin (angle)),
                                 static_cast <FloatType> (y - radiusY * std::cos (angle)));

    /** Returns the dot-product of two points (x1 * x2 + y1 * y2). */
    FloatType getDotProduct (Point other) const noexcept        { return x * other.x + y * other.y; }

    /** Uses a transform to change the point's coordinates.
        This will only compile if ValueType = float!

        @see AffineTransform::transformPoint
    void applyTransform (const AffineTransform& transform) noexcept     { transform.transformPoint (x, y); }

    /** Returns the position of this point, if it is transformed by a given AffineTransform. */
    Point transformedBy (const AffineTransform& transform) const noexcept
        return Point (transform.mat00 * x + transform.mat01 * y + transform.mat02,
                      transform.mat10 * x + transform.mat11 * y + transform.mat12);

    /** Casts this point to a Point<int> object. */
    Point<int> toInt() const noexcept                           { return Point<int> (static_cast <int> (x), static_cast<int> (y)); }

    /** Casts this point to a Point<float> object. */
    Point<float> toFloat() const noexcept                       { return Point<float> (static_cast <float> (x), static_cast<float> (y)); }

    /** Casts this point to a Point<double> object. */
    Point<double> toDouble() const noexcept                     { return Point<double> (static_cast <double> (x), static_cast<double> (y)); }

    /** Returns the point as a string in the form "x, y". */
    String toString() const                                     { return String (x) + ", " + String (y); }

    ValueType x; //< The point's X coordinate
    ValueType y; //< The point's Y coordinate

Thanks, I’ll have a look through that asap!
