Problem with ImageButton listener

Hi folks, I’ve upgraded to Juce 1.52, and after the upgrade, my ImageButton listener doesn’t work. The regular TextButton listeners do work. This problem only started when I updated Juce. I was wondering if anyone can help with this problem? Code is identical to before, except I had to change from “AddButtonListener()” to “AddListener()”. Works for TextButton but not for ImageButton.

Inside of constructor for MyComponent:

addAndMakeVisible (imageButton1 = new ImageButton (T("new button")));
        imageButton1->setButtonText (T("Test 3"));
        imageButton1->addListener (this);
        imageButton1->setImages (false, true, true,
        ImageCache::getFromMemory (ImageData::test_png, ImageData::test_pngSize), 1.0000f, Colour (0x0),
        ImageCache::getFromMemory (ImageData::test_png, ImageData::test_pngSize), 1.0000f, Colour (0x0),
        ImageCache::getFromMemory (ImageData::test_png, ImageData::test_pngSize), 1.0000f, Colour (0x0), 1.0000f);

    addAndMakeVisible (textButtonApply = new TextButton (T("ApplyButton")));
        textButtonApply->setButtonText (T("Apply"));
        textButtonApply->addListener (this);

member for button clicked:

void MyComponent::buttonClicked (Button* buttonThatWasClicked)
        if (buttonThatWasClicked == textButtonApply) {
                // user selected apply
                // This works when I click this TextButton
        if (buttonThatWasClicked == imageButton1) {

          // Not triggering when I click this ImageButton


header file snip:

class MyComponent : public ButtonListener

        void paint (Graphics& g);
        void resized();
        void buttonClicked (Button* buttonThatWasClicked);


Problem resolved. Changed the overImage and downImage parameters, from:

        ImageCache::getFromMemory (ImageData::test_png, ImageData::test_pngSize), 1.0000f, Colour (0x0),
        ImageCache::getFromMemory (ImageData::test_png, ImageData::test_pngSize), 1.0000f, Colour (0x0),
        ImageCache::getFromMemory (ImageData::test_png, ImageData::test_pngSize), 1.0000f, Colour (0x0), 1.0000f);


        ImageCache::getFromMemory (ImageData::test_png, ImageData::test_pngSize), 1.0000f, Colour (0x0),

Now the Button Listener works.