Quick & Dirty JSON to ValueTree Parser

I was just recently working on assembling JSON data from HTTP responses, and trying to work that into ValueTree instances to drive my app. It’s not a lot of effort so figure to share.

The code has the aesthetic value of horse manure but hopefully you can also make use of it and improve upon it.

    const Identifier rootId = "root";
    const Identifier propertyId = "property";

    inline void setProperty (ValueTree& source, const Identifier& id, const var& v)
        jassert (id.isValid() && ! v.isVoid());
        source.setProperty(id, v, nullptr);

    inline void appendValueTree(ValueTree& parent, const Identifier& id, const var& v)
        if (! parent.isValid() || id.isNull() || v.isVoid())

        if (auto* ar = v.getArray())
            for (const auto& item : *ar)
                ValueTree child(rootId);
                parent.appendChild(child, nullptr);
                appendValueTree(child, propertyId, item);


        if (auto* object = v.getDynamicObject())
            ValueTree child(id);
            parent.appendChild(child, nullptr);

            for (const auto& prop: object->getProperties())
                appendValueTree(parent, prop.name, prop.value);


        ValueTree child(id);
        parent.appendChild(child, nullptr);
        setProperty(child, Identifier(String("property") + String(parent.getNumProperties())), v);

    inline ValueTree createValueTreeFromJSON(const var& json)
        if (json.isVoid())
            return {};

        ValueTree root(rootId);
        appendValueTree(root, rootId, json);
        return root;

    inline ValueTree createValueTreeFromJSON(const String& data)
        return createValueTreeFromJSON(JSON::parse(data));

Did you happen to have a ValueTree-to-JSON companion for this?

edit, nevermind found somethin’ from @FigBug!

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