Redundancies & right time to initialize

One thing that in every plugin project needs to be resolved newly is the right time to initialize its algorithm. To do so the plugin need to know at least

  • what channel configuration
  • what sample rate
  • what IO processing block size
    the plugin has to deal with. There is not a singular place that gets called when ultimately everything is set, so it needs to be re-setted at various places whenever the plugin announces one of these parameter has changed. Unfortunately not all of these have a distinct announcement either. I learnt one place is prepareToPlay.
    Now, when instanciating my plugin as VST3 I receive following sequence with varying configurations:

virtual void processor::numChannelsChanged()
virtual void processor::numChannelsChanged()
virtual void processor::numChannelsChanged()
virtual void processor::numChannelsChanged()
virtual void processor::prepareToPlay(double, int)
virtual void processor::prepareToPlay(double, int)
virtual void processor::numChannelsChanged()
virtual void processor::prepareToPlay(double, int)
virtual void processor::prepareToPlay(double, int)

until finally the configuration matches the host expectation. Whenever the blocksize, the number of ins/outs, or the sample rate changes the plugin has to reconfigure its whole processing, which takes a while because of its complexity.
Would it be possible for JUCE to just call each of these functions once, whenever something actually has changes. I don’t see any reason for my plugin to reconfigure its I/O five times because somewhere there is a confusion if the plugin is instantiated in a mono or stereo track. The plugin ignores the call if nothing has changed, but usually the host seems to request to set the configuration in a mono,stereo,mono,stereo,etc. sequence.

… and of cause, prepareToPlay seems to be fine for VST3 and others, its not even called when instantiated as AAX. I think if such a platform abstraction where to makes sense it should take care about a transparent interface. I.e. hide as much of the platform details as possible from the plugin and deal with those differences at a lower level.

Can you be more specific about your plug-in? I’ve just tried the JuceDemoPlugin and that seems to be getting a prepareToPlay call.

Thanks, fabian,

I was wrong here, its releaseResources() thats not getting called under AAX.


The AAX calling prepareToPlay multiple times and not release resources should be fixed now on the latest tip of the develop branch. I’ll also slowly update the other plug-ins to stop excessive prepareToPlay calls.

Thanks, fabian,
that are good news!
Reducing the de/initialization sequences will help improve loading times for our plugin!
