Repaint / setOpaque

Hi Jules,

I've been experiencing something rather unusual related to opaque widget on top of constantly repainted widget.

I would like to have your opinion on in order to know if this is a bug or rather a missing feature.

You can easily reproduce this using the Hello World example

Just add the following classes definitions

class RepaintComponent : public juce::Component, public juce::Timer
  virtual void timerCallback()
  virtual void paint(juce::Graphics &g)
class OtherComponent : public juce::Component
   virtual void paint(juce::Graphics &g)

Then in MainComponent ctor, the following code

RepaintComponent *pRepaintComponent =  new RepaintComponent();
pRepaintComponent->setBounds(20, 100, 200, 30);
addAndMakeVisible (pRepaintComponent);

OtherComponent *pOtherComponent =  new OtherComponent();
pOtherComponent->setBounds(0, 0, 600, 300);
addAndMakeVisible (pOtherComponent);

What I'm seeing in that the OtherComponent component is repainted even though it's opaque and overlap the timer repainted component.



It'd be very expensive for each repaint() call to check the obscured regions of any sibling component hierarchies (of which there may be a huge number), so it doesn't.

If you think in your case it could be helpful to check before repainting, you could call Component::getVisibleArea and only do the repaint if the result is non-empty. But I think in 99.9% of normal use, doing such an costly test would be counterproductive.

Component::getVisibleArea does not the trick in my case as I got an almost transparent widget which covers it as well (for a reflection effect) so it's always empty.

Or it would require an onlyOpaque flag

